Dear All
I have been having a nightmare getting a centre stand for my 2000 885i Girly.
SW Motech assured me the 955i one would fit - but it doesn't...the sump etc is different. My mechanic is very patient (thank God!).
Does anyone know if/where I can get one that fits the 2000 (transition) 885i model.
Also....will these engine bars fit?? See link here: (
Please help!
Many thanks in advance
Just buy the stock Triumph Tiger center stand,re the bars you want Touratech.
Before my 885i was crushed I looked into a center stand only to find the stock one discontinued. Ended up getting paddock stands.
Thanks guys
Those bars will fit
I don't think the Steamer stand will fit otherwise I might have been able to help you out.
The stock Triumph stand fits both 885i and 955i I swapped mine over when I changed bikes,just a case of trawling ebay and waiting you do see them on there.
Great help guys.......I'm looking at a stand from the states that seems to be a Triumph part (believe it or not Triumph UK have been less than helpful!) This is the stand: (
John....Jack Lilley told me that the bars they have (which look remarkably similar) wouldn't fit my bike (see the link here: ( I'm so confused! :icon_frown:
That's true of those in that link, but the others from the first link should do.
Thank you've been a great help! :bowdown
I'm going to try and get the centre stand first (looks like I have to order that from the U.S) then get the engine bars at a later date!
These bars are stated "to fit 99/2000 885i I have had the same problem, searching for centre stand and crash bars for my 2000 model I bought the centre stand from WEMOTO and it DOES fit, (the spring is an absolute BITCH to stretch over the lugs) hope this helps. regards, Jim
Why the states? The link above shows a Motech one and states its for 885i that should fit?
Irish distributor is Maddocks in Wicklow
Mmm, well made a phone call and the UK distributor doesn't know, they'd never heard of an 885i, but they will e mail SW Motech and see what they say, I'll post the reply when it gets here
Thank you John!! You truly have gone above and beyond.
Well after a long wait I have an answer!
Talked to Bonnie Wheeler at Motohaus Powersports and they have a stand that will fit the 885i. It also fits the 955, I ordered mine today.
The one from Wemoto will as well.
Well after fitting this today I can see why the Triumph one was a problem, the pivots are basically an M10 bolt, by comparison this Sw Motech stand is like the Forth Rail Bridge, pivots are huge and it fits really well. Only one issue and I sussed it before fitting, the fixing plates on the Triumph stand are threaded on the Sw one they're not, so four nuts are needed to complete the fitting and are not supplied.
Bought my stand from Carl Rosners as suggested a while back on this site, cost about £14 plus postage of £28...still a bargain :nod but could use some nylock nuts on the fixing plates as the bolts do tend to slacken off with time :icon_eek: