Whist changing the crank position sensor, just for curiosity :augie I had to look inside the small cover above and to the right of the crankshaft one... what was behind it is pictured. :icon_eek:
Now I'm going to stay calm and wait for nice people to tell me that is just a broken off piece of the old cam
chain guide/tensioner which was accidently left in there by someone.
I can't see how it could be anything else as there is no room for it to have fallen through from somewhere, and
it shows signs of (a lot of) wear like a cam chain would cause. The motor sounds OK (for a steamer) not like you
would expect if a piece of the cam chain running gear was missing and the chain itself feels under enough tension.
I'm still calm, I'm not going to cry. :icon_rolleyes:
yep. looks like a broke tensioner to me
Thought so, looks the same shape as the bit above it... odd though :icon_scratch:
Spose that's the balance shaft in there then?
Quote from: JayDub on April 03, 2014, 03:50:46 PM
Spose that's the balance shaft in there then?
That'll teach you to go poking around. ....
You could hide illegal substances in there :bad
Quote from: threepot on April 03, 2014, 09:11:26 PM
You could hide illegal substances in there :bad
:bug_eye shocking - what do you take me for! - you mean like Semtex or summat?
Quote from: Bixxer Bob on April 03, 2014, 04:51:50 PM
That'll teach you to go poking around. ....
Thanks Bob! but I can't help it... mmm, now where else can I look :bad
I hate to say it but I'm getting the feeling the last person that worked on the bike before you got was a graduate from BIT (Borg Institute of Technology)
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on April 04, 2014, 11:20:30 PM
I hate to say it but I'm getting the feeling the last person that worked on the bike before you got was a graduate from BIT (Borg Institute of Technology)
I didn't have you down as a trekkie!
That would explain this then Niall...
:ImaPoser beam me up Spotty