Hi All.
After purchasing a centre stand from ebay, I found it did not have the sump bracket for the spring. The cost of a replacement was prohibitive, so I made a temporary one.
Sadly it was not really strong enough, and tended to flex, but most problematic was the fact that the stand was very limp when up.
I set the spring pivot in line with the rear mounting screw, which may be wrong, so questions.
1) any one got a photo of the bracket, from the side, showing the position of the spring mount in relation to the mount holes, and
2) If you have a centre stand, how "springy" is it when up?. I needed a bungy to stop mine bouncing around.
Assuming it's for a Steamer, go here: http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,13380.0.html
Reply 3 has a clear-ish pic of the bracket. Note that there are 2 springs involved, one inside the other, so the stand does not bounce around at all.
Phil, if you get stuck let me know and I'll try to make one from a new one as a pattern, got one in the loft :augie as you do :icon_lol:
Hi Sin.
Appreciate that offer.
I have part fabricated a replacement for the one I made last summer. All I need are some photos, and possibly some dimensions, so I can ensure correct tension when stand is up. If its not buried too far, some pics would really be appreciated, which reminds me, must go photograph my cockpit frame, as you asked a while ago..
No problem, will try to do that tomorrow, after I fix the heating boiler for the missus, got to get your priorities sorted :icon_wink:
Fantastic pics....Thank you. Well used bike, I would say..
It confirms my stand is a Steamer stand, BUT, I actually need shots of the sump bracket, side on, where the spring arm hitches to the engine. My first attempt to fabricate a bracket put the pin, or lug, in line with the rear mount hole. This resulted in a very floppy stand.
I have fabricated a new mount bracket, and just need to know how far forward I need to mount the lug, to get a better spring action.
Sorry to be a pain, but due to the number of speed humps, sleeping policemen etc in London, I need to stop the stand swinging in a lazy arc every time I traverse one, whacking the road and then bouncing on the stops. Certainly turns heads......
So just to confirm, the stand you got is definitely the SW-Motech one HPS.11.121.100 as shown in the link Nick posted and as in the pics 885 last posted?
You need the dimensions of items 7 (buffer) that bolts to the sump and 8 (Spring reverse) that hooks onto item 7 and connects to the spring at the other end?
I've got these and dug them out of the shed, so will take some pics with dimensions and post them shortly.
Thanks Sin.
Its deffo a Steamer Unit, and its only the dimensions of item 7 needed, as all the other bits are there.
Its all fitted, and you can get item 7 ( my home made one, at least) off with the stand on, but careful maneuvering of the replacement bolt will be needed.
Again, mucho gracias
Quote from: London_Phil on April 11, 2014, 10:27:47 AM
Fantastic pics....Thank you. Well used bike, I would say..
It confirms my stand is a Steamer stand, BUT, I actually need shots of the sump bracket, side on, where the spring arm hitches to the engine. My first attempt to fabricate a bracket put the pin, or lug, in line with the rear mount hole. This resulted in a very floppy stand.
I have fabricated a new mount bracket, and just need to know how far forward I need to mount the lug, to get a better spring action.
Sorry to be a pain, but due to the number of speed humps, sleeping policemen etc in London, I need to stop the stand swinging in a lazy arc every time I traverse one, whacking the road and then bouncing on the stops. Certainly turns heads......
Now it is a RPITA.
I will pull the bracket in a few days and post photos.
This is the best I can do for now.
What spring did you use? The stock spring is actually two springs, one inside the other.
Your a star. Thank you.
That gives me all I need to know.
On a side note, the tension spring looks to have little "stretch" in the photos,
does your stand snap firmly into up position?.
Regards Phil
Beat me too it :pottytrain2 I got caught up with domestics :nono
If you can work it out from that, good, If not then I have my spare sitting on the desk now, PM your address and I'll stick it in a paddy bag to send on Mon morning and you can use it as a template and send it back when you're done.
Just a rough freehand as I don't have Acad on this machine yet.
Quote from: London_Phil on April 12, 2014, 06:33:47 AM
Your a star. Thank you.
That gives me all I need to know.
On a side note, the tension spring looks to have little "stretch" in the photos,
does your stand snap firmly into up position?.
Regards Phil
The stand snaps firmly into up position and stays, even over bumps.
The spring(s) and arm must have come with the stand. Maybe the bracket too. I don't remember if the bracket was there on the mc or if it came with the stand. There was no stand when I got the bike.
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on April 12, 2014, 04:08:52 PM
Just a rough freehand as I don't have Acad on this machine yet.
Maybe this should be 'stickied' for future reference...???
Did you manage to get it fixed Phil?
Yep, fixed now, thanks for everyone's help and Input.
My original bracket was about right with regard to the spring pin, but the tension was poor in my opinion.
I redid a bracket with the pin moved about 1cm to the front, and the springs, once I got the buggers on, are nicely tensioned, and the stand springs home with good tension.
The parts I bought were definitely Tigger ones, so I suppose unless we all report back with the pull tension of the stand, it may be my springs were tired.
I will post some pics when I get a moment.
On my shakedown run , on Monday, everything stayed nicely in place, except for the glass tube fuel filter which parted company as I pulled into J+S Watford.
2 bikes in the car park, and the Triumph's the one in bits, after leaving a large deposit!!!!, oh the shame
Pictures.. moved the mount screw forward to get more tension on the springs when stand is docked.