It is probably time to replace the front fork springs on the 97. These springs are original at 96k miles. I don't wish to spend a fortune upgrading. All I need is something that is equal or better than stock. The plan is to preload and put in 15 wt oil. Suggestions on replacements? Triumph? Can I do better for about that price with aftermarket? And which ones?
BikeBandit lists the S2 for $80. Anyone know if this is for one spring or a pair?
Aftermarket ones come in sets.
Hiya fella,
These are the progressive fronts I have fitted to mine which work very well.
Not sure if you can get them in the States but its the ballpark price over here for a replacement set.
Good luck
i got those sprngs with the matched rear. one of the best mods i done to me bike
Before going to any spring expenses, have you tried preloading the springs? a piece of the white PVC water pipe about 2" longer than the stock steel insert atop the spring is a major improvement. A bit of a chore pushing the cap down, but a socket & long extension helps a lot.
You might find 15w oil a bit harsh if going on rough pavement or gravel. After much experimentation I found 12.5w ( 50/50 10 & 15) works for me. Forget measuring the oil depth & just add 650 cc every change.
Quote from: fishnbiker on April 27, 2014, 07:15:42 AM
Before going to any spring expenses, have you tried preloading the springs? a piece of the white PVC water pipe about 2" longer than the stock steel insert atop the spring is a major improvement. A bit of a chore pushing the cap down, but a socket & long extension helps a lot.
You might find 15w oil a bit harsh if going on rough pavement or gravel. After much experimentation I found 12.5w ( 50/50 10 & 15) works for me. Forget measuring the oil depth & just add 650 cc every change.
Thanks for the input.
I think I will do all three. Put in new springs, preload and go to 12.5.
Everyone I ask seems to have a different method for adding oil. Probably why I never did it.
I called RaceTech and they have springs for my weight for $115. The stockers are rated at .46kg/mm and my weight is calling for .90kg/mm(I'm 185lbs). I'd say get the correct spring for your weight! Then just run the regular oil.
Good advice but too late.