Okay, warning light went on with 195 miles on the trip meter. At 250 miles, I still did not start to run out, and I had not flipped over to reserve. I had calculated about 35 mpg on my last tankful, so I was thinking 5.3 x 35 is 185.5 to reserve, so really 250 รท 5.3 would be 47, so I must have done a bit better than this since I still wasn't on reserve. Pretty cool!
riding it on two lane roads at 55 mph or less are ya ? step that pig up to 80 mph all day on the interstate and tell me what you get ........... :bug_eye
it won't be near 40 mpg
it'll be closer to 35 or less :icon_mrgreen:
You guessed it! The woeful condition of the roads in the Adirondacks won't allow for any spirited riding, which is fine with me, because I like to soak up the sunshine and enjoy the views before the tourists all get here! Did about 265 miles non-stop today, and a little over 400 a week ago chasing a tag down in Ithaca. This week the forks and shock come off to be sent to Pro Pilot suspension for a rebuild. He's doing the shock with upgraded and heavier components and a new stainless lid, and I'm stripping down the forks and have him put in new triple seals and bushings and new springs, and then I'll install the Intiminators and Amsoil fork oil myself when I get them back. Just got the center stand and engine guards, so I am almost finished with the upgrading I needed. Considering how much I love this bike as is, it should be really something once I finish it! You guys that have been "married" to these for awhile probably chuckle to hear me say it, but I am still in the lovesick, newlywed state of mind whenever I see this bike parked in my garage, or better yet, when I ride it! I wouldn't trade it for a new bike, regardless of what you offered.
So you got Intiminators for the Steamer? Love to hear how you found the results.
Quote from: Mustang on April 22, 2014, 01:49:45 AM
riding it on two lane roads at 55 mph or less are ya ? step that pig up to 80 mph all day on the interstate and tell me what you get ........... :bug_eye
it won't be near 40 mpg
it'll be closer to 35 or less :icon_mrgreen:
Don't make sense, what's up the fuel you fellas use over there. My daily commute is 50 miles one way - 35 miles sitting at 90-95mph, the other 15 short shifting across London and I get nudging 200 miles before the fuel light comes on....or about 50mpg!!
your gallons are bigger than a US gallon.........................
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on April 23, 2014, 03:11:53 PM
So you got Intiminators for the Steamer? Love to hear how you found the results.
They are on the way from Ricor. It has been pretty chilly in the garage these past couple of nights, so I haven't pulled the forks or shock yet. I should have done it Sunday, as it was warm and beautiful, but I rode it instead. Seemed like the right option at the time :nod
Will definitely post up some photos and feedback once everything is back together.
Quote from: Mustang on April 23, 2014, 11:05:37 PM
your gallons are bigger than a US gallon.........................
:sign13 :hat10
Quote from: ssevy on April 24, 2014, 01:17:14 AM
but I rode it instead. Seemed like the right option at the time :nod
So many factors to affect the fuel range. Having run mine for 18 years now, around 130,000km I think I've seen most of it. Gearing changes from at 17 to 19 tooth front sprocket got my range from 270 km up to 340 before reserve. More economy after a carb balance & valve adjust. Clean or dirty air filter. Jetting by PO. Where do you want to start?
Just got back from the Carole Nash Classic show in Stafford (brilliant show..I'll try and post some pics on 'Speaking of bikes'.) Filled up yesterday before leaving. With the bike on side stand,filled to the bottom of neck of filler cap. Fuel warning light came on just as we arrived at our hotel. Miles covered 179. Filled up again for return journey-15.88ltrs to the same mark=approx 50mpg. I'm happy with that :thumbsup
Fuel used-Premium.kept more or less to the required speed limits on all roads.
OK. So what gives here? Just filled up at 318kms and put 21.2 litres in. The spec sheet says that the tank holds 25 litres (5.5 imperial galls) with 5 litres (1.1 Imp gall) of 'reserve'. However I was still on 'main', but should had been on reserve with only 3.8 litres left...... Anyone else noticed that 'reserve' is less than 5 litres? Or maybe the po has messed around with the internals of the fuel tap inside the tank...
And incidentally I am getting a regular 42mpImperialg riding with a restrained right wrist.
I get the same impression. Several times I have expected the fuel warning light to come on,due to the fact that I have felt that I have covered more miles than the fuel I have put in,but..Maybe I am underestimating what the bike is actually doing re mpg? But after a 320 mile trip over the w'end,it worked out at 50mpg.
Once I get back on the road, I am going to carry a fuel bottle and run her dry a few times to see just what the number really is. Probably not significant, but I notice that when it is on the side stand and you fill it, when it looks like it is almost to the bottom of the filler tube, there is quite a bit more space left. Maybe that is accounting for some of the variation?
you guys do realize that the fuel mileage topic has beaten that poor horse to death repeatedly in all the forums here............................(http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee47/2uoykcuf/emoticons/deadhorse.gif)
use the search button :icon_eek:
I feel a new simley being added to the regular use list :augie
Quote from: Mustang on April 28, 2014, 01:29:17 PM
you guys do realize that the fuel mileage topic has beaten that poor horse to death repeatedly in all the forums here
Pardon me. I thought I had a legitimate question vis the size of the 'reserve' in the the tank. :icon_wink:
you do .............and it gets asked A LOT
Over the last few weeks,I have noticed a 'whinning' like sound from gearbox area. So yesterday decided to investigate. Took the sprocket cover off,only to reveal it full of oily crud,sticks etc. You can see where the chain has formed its own path through it! So I'm hoping that explains the noise? :icon_scratch: Also,it had a 17t sprocket fitted(no wonder I was always looking for that 7th gear!!). That has now been removed,after having to grind the nut off! Just wouldn't budge by conventional methods :bad
So have now purchased an 18t and new chain. Have also ordered new rubbing block..upper and lower ,new footrest pads..for a 'smoother ride'? Anyway,the reason for this post..I achieved 51mpg with that gearing. So looking forward to riding it with std set up. Should I expect a big difference in performance?
51 with a 17T :icon_eek: They go plenty quick enough with the stock gearing :thumbsup
There is a 48t on rear. That is std,yes?