The swing arm, shock linkage and shock from the Tiger are on the Trident. Frustration level reached 7.5.
Being a first rate mechanic, I did this:
Rather than undo everything, I am breaking the chain. Without breaking the rivet pin, I hope. My record is dubious. I have the MotionPro kit.
My question is: Does it matter what link I break? Is it better to break the master link?
My backup plan is a grinding wheel. Took the Tiger chain off with that. Very satisfying. But I would prefer to improve to acceptable with a chain breaker.
I would play it safe and pop the master link and renew it, I have an acquaintance who no longer has much of a calf muscle due to throwing a chain... would it be that much trouble to pull the swing-arm out again?
Quote from: JayDub on April 25, 2014, 02:51:58 PM
I would play it safe and pop the master link and renew it, I have an acquaintance who no longer has much of a calf muscle due to throwing a chain... would it be that much trouble to pull the swing-arm out again?
Probably not. I don't know if I can move the swingarm enough to get the chain around without taking bolts off for the shock linkage. Good sense will probably prevail; I probably will move the swing arm.