Hi all after spending a fortune on my bike ie new engine build ,new hagon shock,coils etc was out enjoying myself 2 weeks ago up Alston,Northeast of England, left the café at Hartside and only travelled 300 yards a car travelling on my side of the road overtakeing a cyclist came at me head on. I swerved to the right trying to avoid him but he turned back in at the sametime and we c ollided. I went 15 foot in the air and don't remember a thing after that until I was taken away by air ambulance. Ive been in touch with the insurance company and the bike is a total loss. Im hoping to buy it back and get some cash too. Anyway ive ended up with a broken hand,cracked ribs and bruising all over. I do count myself very lucky. I did think about chucking biking in altogether at one stage but that only lasted 2 hours so if there is anybody out there who knows where there is a decent steamer for sale I will be right up for it. I saw one on ebay at a dealers but it doesn't light my candle. Maybe mine can be repaired but as I was knocked out im not sure of full extent of damage so need to speak to insurance company. I am really gutted as I will be out of action for at least 6 weeks so will miss the Scotland meet. Anyway everyone ride safe as you never know whats round the next corner. :nap :bug_eye.
Poor bugger, glad to hear you made it through and really hope you heal faster than I do these days.
There was a spate of Steamers on ebay a couple of weeks ago and I narrowly missed one myself. There were a couple of sub 40k kahki 98's that looked promising.
cheers sin am 54 now but the heart of a teenager been looking at 1150 gs but so exspensive want to stick out for steamer need a bike in the shed NOW.
:icon_lol: your not far behind me but you're not going to catch me either. I know that feeling :icon_sad:
Get well soon, Ynot.
Loads of steamers around. Sure you'll find another.
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 05, 2014, 10:59:38 PM
cheers sin am 54 now but the heart of a teenager been looking at 1150 gs
Don't do it!!!! Hold out for another Triumph. On rarity value alone it is worth it!!
Glad your OK mate :thumbsup
DAMN man, I glad your alright. Suck's about the bike, but the important thing is you came out of it. :icon_salut:
I agree with nickjtc, hold on and you will find another steamer.
Good news today I think. The insurance company has offered me £1500 pluse the bike. The bike is a category B. They lady reckons it can be repaired but not sold on , not that I want to.So it looks like Ill be looking for parts now.It will deffinately be forks but I will have to put my eyes on the bike to see what else. Don't know much about category B so hope the frames not bent ??. So im quite happy today just sick of trying to get dressed with one arm. :wheel :wheel :wheel
Me again , well im the new owner of a nice red 93 steamer. Its only got 7000 genuine miles on. I know the carbs have all been sorted with it standing a while. Is there much difference in my old 97 and this 93 model?i know the swing arm is silver on the 93 , is there much else different? the tyres are Michelin radial t66x. Are these the originals? If they are they could be dangerous after being on the bike all these years so I will be after a change. is the spragg clutch easier to get to on a 93 incase it goes titsup.There is a good motobatt battery fitted so nice and strong power. Any info would be much appreciated. You never know I might make the Scotland meet if my body heals in time. I drove the car today so fingers crossed.
93 had the cover over the sprag clutch
same basic bike as the 97 , only changes were small bits here and there
ordering parts will be dependent on engine serial # as changes were made to little things through out the engine and bike
ie the drive for the alternator changed , etc. etc .
T66's with 7 k miles are just about guaranteed to be the original 21 year old tires ....................... :bug_eye
even if they have been replaced they are still old as michelin hasn't made that tire in several years
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 07, 2014, 08:03:46 PM
the tyres are Michelin radial t66x. Are these the originals?
Look for 'DOT' on one or the other sidewall of the tyres. Just to the right there will be what looks like a moulded in plate which may only have four numbers in it, or a bunch of letters follwed by four numbers.
The four numbers (eg 2907) represent the week the tyre was made (in this case: week 29) follwed by the year (in this case: 2007). On your bike there may only be three numbers (eg 453) which works the came way, but only the last digit is the year; in this case week 45 of 1993.
Spongy rubber brake hoses?
Bad luck on the crash, hope the new one is more lucky for you.
Quote from: rf9rider on July 08, 2014, 01:48:41 AM
Bad luck on the crash, hope the new one is more lucky for you.
bike on way to me this week its still showing on biketrader :thumbsup
Saw it after i posted.
Looks a minter!
hi all just had fellow on phone who I am buying bike off. and he says if I use the fuel tap in the on position a full tank of petrol will only get me 100 mile or so then he said it cuts out. but if he buts it in reserve all the time its fine 180 to the tank. carps have been cleaned am thinking is it the fuel filters in the tank attached to the fuel tap also is there a inline fuel filter to the carps what would you lot do. :thumbsup why do americans sleep at the wrong time :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen:
Full tank should get you 225-250 miles. It is drinking petrol. but should not be too difficult to sort on the low milage. ? Carb float bowl rings perished..
hi Geoff its not a mpg thing ive owned 2 steamers and only got around 180 to the light.bike is on its way to me the old owner says keep it on reserve and its fine 180 pluse to the tank but petcock to on position and will cut out about 100 mile for some reason its getting no fuel after a while when its in the on position. :icon_scratch:
Has it got the original tap on it?
Might be a different one with a longer pick up pipe inside the tank.
Or it might be a blocked vent hole, as sometimes the filters on the tap get sucked in and block the flow of fuel.
yes original tap bikes only done 7000 was in storage till 2011.bike not with me till tomorrow fellow I bought it off had overhaul on carps and new air filter am thinking it must be the filters in the tank.
It'll most likely be the filter on the end of the tap spigot. Pull the tap out and have a look, you'll be amazed at the cr@p in there. I'd personally recommend removing the internal plastic strainer and fitting an external one after the tap.
thanks everyone will look into it when it gets here. :thumbsup
I just removed the 2 filters on the internal side of the tap assy. I had 18 litres in the tank, and with the tap on normal, it just trickled to a stop after a few seconds.
Bke was running very poorly, surprisingly enough
Removed them, and fitted inline filter.
Glad your Tiger spirit remained and your soon to be on the road again.
As to injuries, age and healing, Might be time to consider an AirBag Jacket. Some of the injuries you got from hitting the ground after the flight might have been reduced/avoided if you had one on.
Quote from: London_Phil on July 10, 2014, 04:11:50 PM
I just removed the 2 filters on the internal side of the tap assy. I had 18 litres in the tank, and with the tap on normal, it just trickled to a stop after a few seconds.
Bke was running very poorly, surprisingly enough
Removed them, and fitted inline filter.
phil where do I get a inline filter :thumbsup
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 10, 2014, 05:35:53 PM
Quote from: London_Phil on July 10, 2014, 04:11:50 PM
I just removed the 2 filters on the internal side of the tap assy. I had 18 litres in the tank, and with the tap on normal, it just trickled to a stop after a few seconds.
Bke was running very poorly, surprisingly enough
Removed them, and fitted inline filter.
phil where do I get a inline filter :thumbsup
auto part stores carry many types of inline filters for anything from small engine (mowers) to auto/truck fuel lines. Just get one for your fuel line size and shaped to fit well in the area you want to install. There is even those with a third port which is actually a vapor bleed port. One could plumb a third port back to fuel cap like an old enduro if they wanted too lol
i got this one. works ok but the fuel pipe supplied is a bit flimsy but i had some thicker stuff lying around
do you not just use original piping cut and bobs your uncle :icon_scratch:
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 10, 2014, 07:18:45 PM
do you not just use original piping cut and bobs your uncle :icon_scratch:
mine wasnt long enough to do that without getting a kink in the pipe where it come from the filter
so where abouts are folk putting the inline filter under the tank???
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 10, 2014, 07:54:06 PM
so where abouts are folk putting the inline filter under the tank???
Not under the tank, just under the petcock, with about 2" of hose.
heres mine
Quote from: ram33heres mine
This K&N one (http://www.knfilters.co.uk/search/product.aspx?prod=81-0221) is what I've been using for a while now, it's quite short and can be fitted to sit vertically by trimming the original U section a few mm.
Quote from: nickjtc on July 07, 2014, 09:09:37 PM
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 07, 2014, 08:03:46 PM
the tyres are Michelin radial t66x. Are these the originals?
Look for 'DOT' on one or the other sidewall of the tyres. Just to the right there will be what looks like a moulded in plate which may only have four numbers in it, or a bunch of letters follwed by four numbers.
The four numbers (eg 2907) represent the week the tyre was made (in this case: week 29) follwed by the year (in this case: 2007). On your bike there may only be three numbers (eg 453) which works the came way, but only the last digit is the year; in this case week 45 of 1993.
fronts got 978t [512] back is 978t [492] so am thinking 1997 :bug_eye
Quote from: ynotbiker on July 12, 2014, 12:35:19 PM
fronts got 978t [512] back is 978t [492] so am thinking 1997 :bug_eye
512: 51st week of 1992
492: 49th week of 1992
The original tyres, methinks
Quote from: ram33 on July 10, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
heres mine
Nice job and love the clear line. Good way to look for bubbles butttttt.. is that fuel rated line, Ethanol fuel rated? either could be a gummy producing issue though.
When we organise the tiger triple museum those tyres can go on display!
stuff that an keeping them for the antique road show so I can get on the telly. :icon_rolleyes:
Good to read you've got such a cracker, it's about time you had a bit of good luck or alternatively got what you deserved for you patience, if you're not a karma type person :tin hat
Quote from: coachgeo on July 12, 2014, 08:43:58 PM
Quote from: ram33 on July 10, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
heres mine
Nice job and love the clear line. Good way to look for bubbles butttttt.. is that fuel rated line, Ethanol fuel rated? either could be a gummy producing issue though.
it is left over fuel line from a car i had. whether its ethanol rated or not i dont know? ill keep my eye on it and see if it starts degrading inside
Quote from: coachgeo on July 12, 2014, 08:43:58 PM
Quote from: ram33 on July 10, 2014, 09:25:56 PM
heres mine
Nice job and love the clear line. Good way to look for bubbles butttttt.. is that fuel rated line, Ethanol fuel rated? either could be a gummy producing issue though.
you were not far off
i had a slight leak so took the fuel filter off to find it had gone soft and bent the plastic, thats what you get for buying cheap.
i ordered a new metal one but when it arrived it was bigger than i expected, but i managed to squeeze it under the carbs although its lying flat now. dont know if it will make any difference? treated it to some proper unleaded rated fuel pipe as well.
pics below
I just fitted the K&N filter same as Sin`s , mines lying flat between the carbs and air filter, been running ok so far.