
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: BruKen on September 24, 2014, 04:32:56 PM

Title: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: BruKen on September 24, 2014, 04:32:56 PM
Nice to see some old names and some new  :eusa_clap Must mean I'm not the last steamer rider out there. Haven't seen one on the road for ages. YAPI is still going strong and turning heads. Why cant they make pretty bikes anymore? The latest generation are so bloomin angular and ugly. Who wants to ride a butch dyke?  :BangHead
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: nickjtc on September 24, 2014, 05:34:49 PM
For us newbies do you have a pic??

Isn't a butch dyke an oxymoron??  :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: threepot on September 24, 2014, 07:07:35 PM
Agree. Most manufacturers are guilty.
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: BruKen on September 24, 2014, 08:03:28 PM
Quote from: nickjtc on September 24, 2014, 05:34:49 PM
For us newbies do you have a pic??

Isn't a butch dyke an oxymoron??  :icon_lol:

Last pic here. Still looks the same http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,7520.240.html

And nope. It's no oxymoron.  Bikes are feminine.  I don't like them looking like Mr Olympia. I like to give them names too. I mean really, when I twist that throttle I don't want to be shouting '' ARNIE!!! GIVE IT TO ME BIG FELLA''


Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: nickjtc on September 24, 2014, 09:03:35 PM
Quote from: BruKen on September 24, 2014, 08:03:28 PM
Bikes are feminine.

I'll tell Stanley you said that. Fortunately he has been put away for the winter so cannot take offence!!  :ImaPoser
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: threepot on September 24, 2014, 09:43:57 PM
Lovely looking Steamer BruKen :thumbsup
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: Nick Calne on September 24, 2014, 09:45:31 PM
Bruken! I thought you were lost to us. Good to hear from you and YAPI. How's tricks?
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: rf9rider on September 24, 2014, 10:32:47 PM
Good to see you`re still about.  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: BruKen on September 25, 2014, 10:31:17 AM
Hi guys  :icon_biggrin: yes, still about. I've taken to restoring an old boat now, "taken" because no matter how much work you put in, there is still more to do.... but still ride when the weather isn't conducive to fishing, hence my time is all tied up and the absence. Also my steamer has been an absolute darling reliability wise and so has spared the vanguard of Mustang et al  of my questions. Well just one.... has anybody ever discovered a means of stopping the old girls sounding like a tin of rusty nails being shaken on startup?

And Nick.... Stanley?  :nono Bet the old girl is in a right huff about that  :icon_wink:
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: nickjtc on September 25, 2014, 04:27:42 PM
Quote from: BruKen on September 25, 2014, 10:31:17 AM
Hi guys  :icon_biggrin: yes, still about. I've taken to restoring an old boat now, "taken" because no matter how much work you put in, there is still more to do

And Nick.... Stanley?  :nono Bet the old girl is in a right huff about that  :icon_wink:

The two happiest days in a boat owner's life: the day they buy their boat and the day they sell it!

Edit: ah, I get it. You mean the bike is the 'old girl', not swwbo.
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: Bixxer Bob on September 25, 2014, 10:31:35 PM
Quote from: BruKen on September 24, 2014, 04:32:56 PM
..... Who wants to ride a butch dyke?  :BangHead

Rybes.  Oh,sorry, that'll be a Dutch bike.  Or at least a Danish one.....
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: fishnbiker on September 30, 2014, 07:26:43 PM
Fishnbiker is still out here on the Wet Coast of Canada. Felix is still running strong after19 years. I'm not stressing him so much on hard gravel now, as Buzz, my'08 Suzuki DR650 is now the designated "dirty bike". Felix & I did a 6,000 km rough pavement ride into northern California last June to keep him interested. Now has over 130,000km under the tires.

Photos at http://fishnbiker.smugmug.com/Motorcycles[/b]]http://fishnbiker.smugmug.com/Motorcycles (http://[b)
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: rybes on January 17, 2015, 01:01:28 PM
as ive just seen this post ill say hello meself. i mis my bike but its safely tuced away in a warm seller waitin for me to find a job  :icon_rolleyes: and get it fixed. see theres still loads of steamers out there. even saw one here in denmark late last year. made me sulk  :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: Bixxer Bob on January 17, 2015, 10:18:35 PM
Nice to hear from you Rybes,   :pottytrain2  I was just thinking about you today, and wondering how you were getting on, when I came across your clutch cover in my garage.  RF9 still hasn't gotten round to collecting it.  :bad
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: rybes on January 17, 2015, 11:14:27 PM
aint he and there i was thinkin he was desperate for it lol. im not doin to bad thanks, missin me bike but cant bring meself to fix it cos i wont be able to ride it here  :icon_evil: stupid danish laws. least if its broken i cant get fined for ridin it  :icon_lol: and thatfine would be  :bug_eye
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: Sin_Tiger on January 18, 2015, 10:36:07 AM
Good to hear from you mate, I know that sulkin' face  :ImaPoser

Keep yourself on the right side of the DVLA and don't let anything run out of date, they're not very flexible these days being beurocratically centralised.
Title: Re: Thought I'd drop by
Post by: rybes on January 18, 2015, 12:36:02 PM
mate its worse than that, its almost my every day face now  :icon_lol: bikes on sorn so hopefully no problems there. cant wait to get a bike but there stupidly expensive here. want a similar year triumph so i can tigerize it but i need at least 6 grand for one. could buy 4 for that in the uk  :icon_rolleyes:
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