I have a 97 steamer that has been sitting for a few months because I couldn't get it to start back in September the carbs have been rebuilt spark has been tested compression has not been tested but I do not think that is the reason as it will not even sputter from starting fluid I'm really lost any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :^_^
the possibilities are endless.......................
start with basics
got spark? yes no why not ? proceed if yes
got fuel ......are the plugs wet or still dry (carbs and 90% certain this is it)
got compression ? valves would be culprit here
mustang the inside of my carbs are spotless with the exception of #4 missing would that keep the old cat from running
i have spark
i have tried starting fluid (not even a "pop")
valves were recently done
carbs were cleaned and synced by a shop before i got it in september and still appear spotless
although i did a quick cleaning while i had them out
the lack of response from the starting fluid leads me to believe its a spark issue
the bright spark from the plugs leads me to believe otherwise
Are you actually getting the carbs full of fuel? The reason I ask is that if the carbs are working at all, you should see some dampness at the plugs. Ignition is another matter. Just working through all the options one step at a time.
after you replace #4 in the diagram( it's kinda very important , keeps the needle in place)
you got an air filter and all the snorkels on
clean carbs means taking the pilots out and making sure the pilot circuit has no corrosion in it .
a few months of sitting will fuck up even the best set of mikunis on a tigger.
also the engine doesnt spin like it should to wake up from the dead ,
hook up some jumpers to your car and start the car ,then try it ...............you may be surprised
Sin - plugs did smell of fresh fuel when removed and bowls did fill with gas I opened the float drain till empty and then turned on the petcock and emediately had fuel flowing from all three carb drains as expected
Mustang- I did blow some air into the pilot and cleaned everything even though it all looked clean I have seen many "clean" carbs fail to work because of a poor cleaning
I will try jumper cables tomorrow and try some different fuel this stuff is from November and I recently moved within a block of an ethanol free station those are very rare here when I lived in atlanta I had to drive an hour to find it
Fair enough, getting there. If you have the air box off or open while you, or a lovely assistant, spin the motor over. Sick your hand over the intakes, that'll get plenty of fuel sucked into the cylinders and also give you some idea of cylinder efficiency, i.e. If you might have valve issues.
When the valves were done, did you remove the camshafts? If yes, I would suggest maybe the chain shifted and your timing is off. You'd still have good spark and fuel flow would not be an issue. I'd pull the valve cover and check the timing marks.
Ssevy - sadly the valves were done by a shop at the expense of the PO but I would assume that they were removed so I will look into that this week sadly I have a strict daily schedule that allows for one hour of tiger time a day (removed from my usual sleep time) so everything takes much longer to get done one day soon I will take a day off so I can get caught up on everything
Just looking back through your posts. Did you ever have it running, or see it running when you bought it?
I'm just wondering if we are missing something from the bigger picture here. Regards, Phil
Quote from: London_Phil on January 19, 2015, 09:44:41 AM
Just looking back through your posts. Did you ever have it running, or see it running when you bought it?
I'm just wondering if we are missing something from the bigger picture here. Regards, Phil
something tells me we don't have the whole picture :^_^
The bike ran for three days after I got it I am trying to give you all the details that I have but as you see I don't know much
Worth checking the air gap on the crank position pick up? I know someone who was out on his speed3 when it just died. It turned out to be that. Eliminate the simple things.
Since it ran after the valve job, that rules out my earlier post. As Mustang mentioned, voltage can be touchy, and sometimes the battery will be sufficient to crank, but not enough to spark. The fact that you had a good spark in the past does not guarantee that you still do. It is not uncommon to eat up more voltage than you realize while you are chasing down a problem.
Just wanted to add that as well as possible low voltage problems with ignition, letting the battery drain, and letting starter turn slowly will kill the Sprag, then youll be really sad.
Short bursts with a well charged battery, and if it starts spitting back, abort and regroup.
When you say it ran, can we get a bit more info, ie ran for 324 miles with no issues, or ran for a few seconds with the choke out sort of thing???