my Sprag is going,going almost gone!
It is a 1994 engine yet appears to have no access cover.What year did Triumph change the engine and stop fitting the access cover?
In winter the bike was on a battery tender and started up every month with no issues. I decided I was going to go to Europe on the bike so bought a MotoBatt battery and fitted it (this week!).
Now the sprag is making a noise.
It appears the Steamer sprag has a spring issue and this is why it fails.
On a K bike the issue is the sprags sticking and new oil and a long run can clear it.
Could this work with the Tiger?
I am reluctantly thinking of selling the bike as I have no time to fix it, at least until winter is needs be
ps. Sadly, I think the answer will be "no, It needs stripped"
I will take her for a run anyway!!
thanks :icon_cry:
i dont know when access covers stopped? is it the original engine?
if sprag has gone then strip repair/replace is only way forward.
i did mine and just replaced the spring and its been fine since.
not a hard job, just a bit time consuming
When you say going, what are the symptoms?. Is there any possibility it could be something else?
Which area of Scotland? PM if you don't want it broadcast.
I'm guessing Invergordon if ebay is anything to go by :icon_rolleyes:
Pity, it's an otherwise nice looking Steamer.
I believe the access covers only got fitted to the early silver painted 750 and 1000 engines
My 93 silver engine 900 Trident had one. Easy to change :nod
Hi all,
sorry for the delay in replying. Yes I am in the highlands, and yes the bike was on Ebay and is provisionally sold. I have a few other bikes and no time to split the engine, hence a reluctant sale.
I enjoyed the bike and am disappointed to sell it but there it is. If the new owner is not happy with it, or wastes time then I will have to strip it down, but it would probably be in the winter.
cheers, Mike
Good luck with it either way. If that's all that's wrong with it, consider hanging onto it, better ones seem to be going up in price, I can help you out with a screen if you decide to keep it.
The pre 1993 engines had the access cover, which is above the right hand crankcase clutch cover, its like a rectangular box. This is supposed to give access to the sprag clutch. Post 1993 bikes, Triumph changed the engine design, and now its a full strip down to access. :icon_eek: So quite a big job. Its alleged post 1993 engines have a strong sprag clutch.
However on the next generation engine 955i post 2002, they fitted access covers again . . .