During yesterdays alternater shenanigans, I found quite a lot of oil around the clutch slave cyl/sidestand switch areas which I think is from the clutch pushrod seal.
When I removed the slave cyl to get at the alternater bolts, the slave had a bit of engine oil inside (about half a t-spoon).
Also everything below that had a healthy spattering, my question is: is the conical shaped bit in the sprocket cover where the pushrod goes through also a seal? or is it just the seal behind that in the engine case.
i have checked through the how to's and the manual but they're not covered, I found part # 18 and 19 on here
but I think those are for the gearchange spindle.
I'm assuming its just the one behind the conical one, so do I simply gouge the old one out with a surgical screwdriver, and carefully pop a new one in?
the seal is in the engine case ,so yes to all your Q's
and its easier to do if you get that sprocket cover out of the way :nod
and then theres this
Thanks Mustang, Thats a handy link, I did the gear-change seal a few thousand mls ago but I'll leave the output shaft til the next c&s change as it was OK then, and I'll check the selector shaft o' ring for leakage too :icon_eek: so it seems the conical thang is just a dust seal.
I need to tighten the sloppy gear-change linkage somehow too :icon_rolleyes: