
Tiger Time => Girly Talk (1999 - 2006 Tigers) => ECU and Fuel Injection => Topic started by: klingklang on July 19, 2015, 04:59:48 PM

Title: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes) (SOLVED)
Post by: klingklang on July 19, 2015, 04:59:48 PM
Many times I've notice at highway speed that I am using the fuel faster in the pump section of the tank faster then the rest of the tank would supply.  It is surely by  these fuel pipes under the tank. At extreme,  my bike stall running out of fuel after a while on the empty light,  I stop on the side,  close the bike and wait 5mins to get some fuel to a point that the empty light go off.  I've already changed those hoses to be sure there clean and freeflow,  did the fittings too and take care they are not stuck somewhere.  Now I am tired.  I don't like the about or maybe situation. Like to know if this happen to others and is some have an idea to solve this.  I am thinking of a bigger ID pipe and fitting if I could.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase
Post by: motoOzarks on July 19, 2015, 07:33:23 PM
Clogged filter?
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase
Post by: klingklang on September 24, 2015, 10:31:31 PM
Sorry, maybe I did not explain well. Nothing to do with fuel pump or filter.  You have under your tank 2 link pipse that move the gas from the front lower bulge par of the tank to the under seat section. (communicating vase) and they don't supply gas transfer fast enough on long non stop move.  You need to stop, unless the engine will, to allow some fuel to move where the pump is. Like to see if there is a way to modify that to get better steady level.  bigger fitting bigger pipe. I am alone to notice that. This is really annoying when you have long distance to travel.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: motoOzarks on September 25, 2015, 12:23:37 AM
Never heard of such an instance before

your problem is somewhere else

Is your cap venting?
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: John Stenhouse on September 25, 2015, 11:12:51 AM
Those pipes are fitted to every Girly bike but as far as I'm aware you are the only one to report this problem. It could be a tank vent problem, or maybe the fitting of your tank, are you missing any spacers from the front of the tank, if it's too low there the fuel may stay at the front untilyou get off the bike.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: klingklang on September 25, 2015, 02:23:58 PM
I have the bike for 10years and always did that.  Changed the link pipe, cleaned the fiting, diasassemble the cap itself, new gasket and cleaned it many times in the last years as I did also for the air and drain pipse. I even tried leaving the cap open. niet,  cant see.  Nobody else have that? Fill the tank and go to the highway at 120-140km non stop till the light come or go on till the engine stop.  You stop the engine(when not killed itself by running out of fuel) and wait. After restart,  gauge needle is just few millimeters above the red. I've changed the gauge long time ago and cant be that because the bike run out of fuel and the gauge itself cannot stop the engine as far as  I know.  It is simple as at FWOT the gas is running lower as it really is.

oh ,, I ve also checked for compressed or kinked pipes.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: John Stenhouse on September 25, 2015, 04:42:48 PM
How far are you going before it stops?
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: Bixxer Bob on September 25, 2015, 05:50:19 PM
This is beginning to sound like crank sensor......

Did you actually look inside the tank and see the fuel level different between the back and front?  If the pipes are clear and the problem was as you think, it'd start pretty much straight away.  If it needs a few minutes, like to cool down, the crank sensor is in the frame.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: Sin_Tiger on September 25, 2015, 09:07:33 PM
Is it possible to nip the pipes during a tank refit?
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: Bixxer Bob on September 25, 2015, 11:19:59 PM
Not really Sin,  but then again, as with everything, folks will find ways.

If it really is fuel starvation, and I'm not convinced yet,  I think it's more likely a fuel pipe gone soft and sucking flat, a blockage somewhere, or a failing fuel pressure relief valve.  It could be picking up, or have picked up crap which is blocking the filter, I've even heard of the link pipe between the fuel pump and the filter leaking and causing problems.  Without seeing it, it''s hard to tell.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: motoOzarks on September 26, 2015, 12:20:23 AM
With a low fuel level could the pump overheat and take a time out?

When your thinking your waiting for fuel you are instead waiting for the pump the cool?

Is the pump getting the correct voltage?  Meaning enough for it to work when kept cool in the fuel and then getting hot as you run it low ?

One of these pipes should keep the bike running.  If it starved under acceleration or wot it should stay idling rather than die and not restart.

Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: klingklang on September 26, 2015, 02:52:11 AM
Quote from: John Stenhouse on September 25, 2015, 04:42:48 PM
How far are you going before it stops?
On day to day  or normal backroad I do between 325 and 350km of autonomy.  In rare occasion I went to 400. But on non stop ride,  the ligth go on at around 250 an the bike stop empty around 275.  After stop and way,  I can reach an another 30-40 km sometime more but at this point you'll understand that I am not gaming with the fuel unless I have my rotopax fuel jerry can.

For the others question,  I had changed the link pipe like 2years ago with sturdier fuel pipe. Not to link and take special attention when I remove an put back the fuel tank.  I've shot compressed ai in the nipple firing....

... pause to get some rest. Take to much energy to write on a tablet.... Down I hate it

Ok.  Always thought  it was a design flaw and I was not alone.  You know the high end dealer mechanics telling you "they all do that"

I am trying to understand how a pump or a crank sensor that work normaly well will do something that make you run empty at both the engine and fuel gauge then bring back fuel like magic after. 

No at this point I can't see fuel in .

At first,  I also pin pointed a air pressure/vacuum in the tank but running the tank cap open did not change anything. Is the reverse could do something,  mean to much air.  ? 

Thanks guys for your help.  I'll wait on my computer to answer next.  I'am typing 3letters an need to go back twice to correct..
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: motoOzarks on September 26, 2015, 06:24:06 AM
Have you checked for fault codes?

One more post and you're a Puma!!!
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: klingklang on September 26, 2015, 03:52:25 PM
no fault codes seen on tuneboy.  no, it can't be mechanical,  It is as simple as fuel transfert inside the tank.  At a certain speed I am just taking gas faster than it fill the pump portion in the tank. Will try to get in the tank with a cam later this winter. 

11years to be Puma...good. I'm not the one that bothers most
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: Sin_Tiger on September 26, 2015, 11:03:36 PM
Tricky  :icon_scratch: I can see where you're heading BB and it can't be ruled out at this stage. MO good point.

To be sure of this you need to test it under load and when hot. Not easy or safe to do wile riding and an expensive exercise unless you happen to have your own rolling road. Only real way to verify the pump performance is dropping off is to T in a pressure gauge and monitor it. It's possible the windings are starting to fail under stress, alternatively the mechanical side might be getting a bit worn and not able to keep up unless it has a good positive head on the suction, or a combination of both.

I wouldn't normally advocate it, as I prefer to know 100% what the issue has been but in this case I'd be very tempted to replace the pump unit if you know the filter is good.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: motoOzarks on September 27, 2015, 12:21:22 AM
Quote from: klingklang on September 26, 2015, 03:52:25 PM
I'm not the one that bothers most

You're no bother....leave that to me

Your situation sounds as odd to us as it does to you.

Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: JayDub on September 27, 2015, 11:26:20 AM
 seeing as everyone else is perplexed with this one.and although bizarre. Could it be possible that there is an internal blockage in the tank, because the low fuel light comes on and goes off again, this does indicate the outlet end of the tank being empty. 
I would poke around carefully with a length of  wire to see if anything can be felt inside.  Could you maybe borrow a tank.
Have you tried rinsing and shaking the tank incase there is some gunge moving about, and blocking the transfer pipe outlet from inside... At this point anything's worth a try.
The camera idea seems the best.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: klingklang on September 27, 2015, 05:42:26 PM
your right Jake,  can't be mechanical.  The bike do that since I bought it and running fine unless for the las 125000km.   You see the the fuel gauge is linked with it because it goes up.  It is not something new to me, it is just I am f...... tired of it.  Since I do long day trip few times a year, it a lot of time missing going to fuel when you dont need it, or guessing on the km.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: motoOzarks on September 27, 2015, 07:37:13 PM
Have you used any Exxon fuel in the past?

Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: JayDub on September 27, 2015, 08:27:38 PM
Esso used that theme in the 70's... 'put a tiger in your tank'... that would certainly cause a blockage!
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: JayDub on September 27, 2015, 08:34:35 PM
Quote from: klingklang on September 27, 2015, 05:42:26 PM
your right Jake,  can't be mechanical.  The bike do that since I bought it and running fine unless for the las 125000km.   You see the the fuel gauge is linked with it because it goes up.  It is not something new to me, it is just I am f...... tired of it.  Since I do long day trip few times a year, it a lot of time missing going to fuel when you dont need it, or guessing on the km.
I would pull the tank off and remove the sender, pump or anything to give access then give it a good flush/clean out, If that doesn't work then if its possible maybe borrow a tank, I've seen them on ebay sometimes at fairly low prices (but that's in the UK).
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: vince on September 27, 2015, 09:42:07 PM
Quote from: motoOzarks on September 27, 2015, 07:37:13 PM
Have you used any Exxon fuel in the past?


that's a new slant on an old theme   :pottytrain2
been done before  :bug_eye

quote from

"Put a tiger in your tank" was a slogan created in 1959 by Emery Smith, a young Chicago copywriter who had been briefed to produce a newspaper ad to boost sales of Esso Extra.
The tiger wasn't Smith's invention. He'd first appeared as a mascot for Esso in Norway around the turn of the 20th century. But it wasn't until the end of the Second World War - and the resumption of petrol advertising - that the tiger made his US debut.


cheers vince  :occasion14
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: Bixxer Bob on September 28, 2015, 11:20:46 AM
I think JD has a point.  With the tank stripped out, you can also blow through the link pipes from the inside with an airline and prove they are restricted or even blocked.  Or not. If they aren't then they are not your problem.

Also, with  the pump assembly out, you can have a good look at the pickup point to ensure it's clear.

Just a thought and a bit of an idiot question, the tank is going all the way down at the battery end when you install it isn't it?  It's not in some way tipped forward slightly?
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: John Stenhouse on September 28, 2015, 05:21:27 PM
That's what I was thinking, check the mounts allround, see if the front is on the two rubbers under the front and they're not worn.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: klingklang on September 28, 2015, 09:01:22 PM
Sorry guys, tanks is and always been at the right place..... ooops I forgot,  maybe,  I have the back raised 1 foot high, changed the foot rest for chromed foot shaped gas pedal, attached furry dice to the windscreen and glued pompoms all along the handlebars and bellow the fender....just like the 70's muscle cars.... :icon_wink:  :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:

look, I'll dismantle everything again this winter, send compressed air again in the link pipe and will probably try to install bigger fitting and bigger pipe diameter. I' ll try to check with a cam also if there is a leftover cheeseburger, a girlfriend j-string or else in there that just go away with air and brought back by gravity.
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: Sin_Tiger on September 28, 2015, 09:48:14 PM
You have an adventurous lifestyle  :augie
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: motoOzarks on October 01, 2015, 08:39:54 PM
Maybe run dual lines rather than larger and criss cross from one side to the other with one of those squeeze bulbs like on an outboard motor fuel tank.

Drive up hill more

Not try and squeak as many miles from your tank?

All the best in figuring it out and be sure and let us know when it does the same thing again after your second attempt.

Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes)
Post by: klingklang on November 16, 2015, 02:03:01 AM

this thing pis.....me.....o.....  for years,  since I have the bike in fact,  11years next month.  Believe me or not,  the holes on each side of the tank  were not drilled trough the tank.

Just a tip here, a pool noodle placed in circle make a great support

I've removed the fitting and saw the hole look weird. Put a pipe in and tested my deep breath in. Alcool normal (checked) but no air go in , and when I say no air, it is no air: totally blocked.  Closed look, it is not drilled further than the fitting itself. It is like that on both side.

So I did what probably the guy at Triumph should have done that friday 5minute before his shift end. A 1/4 inch drill bit and about 1/8 deeper and that was it !!!!! :icon_scratch:

10 years, 10 years ... I don't know I why I did not checked that before. I've checket the pipe, the fitting itself bot never has the idea to enter smal screw driver in to check.
now, the fittings..... another weird thing,  the males are in aluminum and the females in nylon...  gonna go with the BBO  (big brass ones)

Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes) (SOLVED)
Post by: motoOzarks on November 16, 2015, 02:27:16 AM
 :BangHead     :icon_scratch:     


good for you dude
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes) (SOLVED)
Post by: JoeDirt on November 16, 2015, 03:32:27 AM
First time I seen those tubes on the tank... I thought to myself wtf. It's an added expense for just a little fuel capacity. Not like these bikes need a bigger tank.  :bad

I'd blame the pool noodle...  :icon_evil:

Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes) (SOLVED)
Post by: Bixxer Bob on November 16, 2015, 01:55:30 PM
Glad you sorted it KlangKling,  there's a limit to what we can do from afar but your persistence paid off.  Well done!!!!

Hope you don't now find you have fuel leaks after disturbing the scew fittings in the blind holes  :icon_biggrin:

Only kidding..... :bad
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes) (SOLVED)
Post by: klingklang on November 16, 2015, 02:21:32 PM
the fitting have a standard o-ring under. I'll put new ones anyway
Title: Re: under tank hose for communicating vase (Link pipes) (SOLVED)
Post by: nickjtc on December 08, 2015, 05:08:26 AM
Occams Razor strikes again. The simplest solution without the introduction of too many new variables is usually the correct one.
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