
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: ssevy on July 29, 2015, 05:21:49 PM

Title: Alternative Hydraulics Bleeding method
Post by: ssevy on July 29, 2015, 05:21:49 PM
Here's how I refill my lines; it has always worked quickly and easily for me:

1- Install the original bleeder in the slave cylinder. If you are going to install a speedbleeder, that will come later.

2- Fill the master cylinder reservoir half full of new fluid out of a previously unopened container.

3- Using a syringe with the correct sized plastic tubing attached (to fit the bleeder screw tightly without sucking air), dip the tube into the fluid container and draw enough fluid to fill the syringe.

4- Attach the syringe to the bleeder screw, crack open the screw, and gently begin to depress the syringe plunger, watching the fluid in the reservoir as you do. You will see lots of bubbles leaving the line. Keep filling the line until the air bubbles are gone, and you can see just a gentle current in the fluid as you depress the plunger. Stop when you get to the full line.

5- Close the bleeder, pull on the plunger as you remove the hose to avoid spilling fluid, and put the extra fluid back in the bottle.

6- If you are going to install a speedbleeder, cut a short piece of Teflon tape to wrap the threads. Yes, the speedbleeder does come with some sealer already on the threads, but the Teflon addition will make a better seal. Be careful not to cover the holes on the bleeder as you wrap it, and be sure to wrap it so the tape if forced over itself as you turn the screw into its hole.

7- Remove the old bleeder, and quickly thread in the new speedbleeder. Since the system is full of fluid, no air should get into the system.

8- Bleed to remove any air still in the system. I attach the empty syringe to the speedbleeder to make the job less messy, and I can visually see when any air is still present in the clear line.

9- Using this method, I rarely have to break open the banjo bolts, but if your lever is still soft (sorry, not sure how else to say that :icon_eek:), break open the banjo at the master cylinder slightly to evacuate any air, and then try again. Generally, prefilling the reservoir before sending the fluid through backwards with the syringe keeps an airtight seal at the upper end, and you won't have an air pocket.

10- Throw out the leftover bottle of fluid so you won't be tempted to use it again. Once opened, the moisture gets in, and it is cheap enough to always use a fresh bottle.
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