
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: P3aK on August 31, 2015, 02:18:39 PM

Title: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: P3aK on August 31, 2015, 02:18:39 PM
Title sounds nasty but let me explain.

About 2 weeks ago my bike started misfiring. Didn't sound any different, I was just like a tooth on the sprocket was missing or something. Especially if I was accelerating it was like a big jolt of not getting power and then full on again. Very unsettling!

After a while when cruising at lower speeds I could hear what can only be described as sparks between my legs, under the tank. Uh oh, not good! I did not have access to tools or garage at that moment so I just had to live with it until I could get access.

Few days later, my half/full headlight is reversed. What? Yeah, full was half, half was full. Next day I had no half light at all, only position or full. The sparking between my legs had seriously increased and I could now see the RPM drop on the meter half of the time it sparked. When crawling in gridlock the bike died on me 5 times going home from work because of the misfires dropping the RPMs so low.

So... sparkplugs, coils, a short or all of the above?
Finally got access to a garage, bought new NGK Iriduim sparkplugs and set off to investigate.

First the headlights, that was just a loose connection, so I quickly sorted that out. Changed the sparkplugs (old ones looks fine) and that at first seemed to cure the problem. No sparks, no misfires... for a while. Warmed it up and went on test ride. Sparks again, but no misfires this time.

So this is where I am now. It has started misfiring again, not very frequently, but I have the frigging sparks somewhere. It seems to increase with heat (which I can't understand and might not really have anything to do with it).

I have checked the rubber boots to the plugs, they seem fine. The leads seem fine, I have pushed the boots down to get proper contact with the plugs. I have made sure things can't get into contact with each other. The only thing I can't know is the coils.
I have also had the bike running in a dark garage to see if I can catch any visible sparks to no avail.

I don't know what coils I have, they are just black. No markings on them what so ever. But it does say Triumph on the leads, which makes me thinking I have the original Gills, but can't be sure.

I've read about other ppls problems with coils but there's been no mention of intermittent sparking that can be heard while driving. Sound like a coil problem to you guys that have experienced it? I'm seriously stripped for cash atm and really don't want to change them if I'm looking in the wrong direction.

Last but not least.... which coils from Nology do we use on our Tigers? Is there a product code for the correct ones?
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: Sin_Tiger on September 01, 2015, 12:02:24 AM
If there are no markings on the coils then they will most likely be GIL, PVL coils are clearly marked. You can try www.Squaredeals for Nology coils but they are expensive, PVL are probably going to be fine. Try dropping an email to the technical guy at Magnecor UK, he mentioned to me that he can get PVL coils at a very competitive price.
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: nickjtc on September 01, 2015, 05:14:43 AM
Sorry about your travails, but that was one of the most interesting posts I've seen on this forum. Good for you. But I also hope you fix things soon.

Sparks between your legs..............I love it!!

Here is a calming pic of the California coastline to set your mind at ease....

(http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f375/nickjtc/California%20August%202015%2025.jpg) (http://s51.photobucket.com/user/nickjtc/media/California%20August%202015%2025.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: BruKen on October 05, 2015, 02:43:36 PM
Change your HT leads first to remove that from the equation. Sounds like you may have developed a carbon leader in one of the leads that allows arcing when the resistance across the sparkplug changes under loading. If that solves your problem and the HT leads were not well past their sell by date and you are using the right spark plugs then start looking at your fueling mixtures as a secondary cause. i.e. not running too rich / lean /hot / cold especially on the middle cylinder.
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: BruKen on October 05, 2015, 02:46:39 PM
although to be honest, how you can hear a spark while riding the rattle can steamer engine does impress me.  :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: Mustang on October 05, 2015, 03:04:57 PM
 :wave stranger !
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: BruKen on October 05, 2015, 03:40:08 PM
Hellooo Mustang. You still keeping the world's steamer population on the roads?  :bowdown

(btw I do pop in every once in a while to see what's the buzz - I just had a brainfart and suddenly remembered my password this time. It's an age thing....  :^_^)
Title: Re: Sparks between my legs?!
Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 05, 2015, 05:09:55 PM
Nylon underwear  :nod
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