So my horns finally sputtered out with one final, weak whimper. I read some reviews online, and these Hella Supertones were among the loudest. Once I saw their color scheme I actually left a friction burn on my right cheek grabbing my wallet so fast! These will look like the business on my bike!
Here's my question - I saw Sin mentioning these as a straight plug in, but should I do the whole relay thing and direct wire them from the battery with heavier gauge wire for more sound?
I have never understood why the horns on a bike are as loud as a fart in the wind :pottytrain2 I changed mine the other year and they are tucked up within the plastics either side of the dash (they are black ugly plastic ones), if yours give the same sound as mine then they will be fine, they can be swapped like for like and personally I wouldnt go down the relay road as whats there is ample..... (in my opinion)
The volume comes mostly from the construction, design and materials rather than the electrics. They all work on roughly the same principle so the coil that provides the movement which in turn makes the sound doesn't pull much more than a relay anyway so they'll be fine without one.
Thanks fellas!
My speedo cable broke as well, and so I am expanding my repair database by two this week. Leaving Friday for a week's trip, so that speedo is essential, as I need to use the odometer to get the turns on my roll chart correctly.
Seems as if things go T.U. just before a trip! Of course, better then, instead of during the trip I guess!
I did swap with the plain black Hellas, which I suspect are technically the same as those but with a bit of red blind, which will not look out of place on yours :icon_mrgreen:
Motohaus ( have some specials, they might ship overseas.
Quote from: steamer 96 on September 21, 2015, 01:39:40 PM
I have never understood why the horns on a bike are as loud as a fart in the wind
Probably to comply with certain EC regs, I think they're
supposed to be 105 decibels.
The new Trophy is pathetic, I'm more likely to get somone's attention by turning the stereo up :icon_rolleyes:
I just finished the new horn installation. The diameter of these is so much larger that there was no way to mount them in the original bracket, so I drilled two holes in the flat crossbar of my crash bars (sorry, "engine guards"), and mounted them lower and pointing straight ahead. I soldered the wires directly to the terminals, and covered them with heat shrink. The old slip on connectors were cut off and replaced with posi connectors, which I also covered with heat shrink tubing and then extreme tape to keep any water out. Routed the wires right through the nut holes of the old horn brackets.
These sound like Judgment Day when you hit the button now, so they were a major improvement. The only downside is that they will get hit with a lot of water and spray in this location, so I will have to see how they do.
Looks mean :bad and if they sound like the trumpets of Jehovah, so much the better. My experience of Hella horns proves that they stand up to road crud pretty well with just a skoosh of cleaner and a hose off with fresh water during normal washing.
Nice work, Ssevy. I think they look kinda cool. Looks plus performance must be a winner!
Quote from: Beernard on September 25, 2015, 12:11:51 AM
Looks plus performance must be a winner!
You've obviously been speaking with my wife :icon_razz:
Quote from: ssevy on September 25, 2015, 12:28:43 AM
You've obviously been speaking with my wife :icon_razz:
She's that loud eh?