Just my first post on the site so greetings everyone.
Looking for any and all 955i tiger accessories. Mainly a good screen and a sump guard.
Located in Belfast.
Happy new year.
Happy 2016 back at you. Welcome.
The 955 boys will probably chime in momentarily.
If you use the search button you'll find a Geordie still ahd one sump guard for sale I think. If not, Dave B (search for posts by him) had some very good drawings that a fabricator can work from.
Screens are a very personal choice, but things to think about are the mirrors and hand guards. A lot of folks get an improvement in buffeting and noise for few pounds by adding mirror extenders as that's where a lot of it comes from.
I have a VARIO tall screen, but only because : a) my original was trashed, and b) I like the way it looks.
Check out my ad in the for sale section Matey, it is something to behold!!! :bug_eye
See Johnboy, told ya!!! :ImaPoser