The bike has stood (covered) for nearly three weeks due to various reasons, today I hop on to blow away the cobwebs, did around 50 mls through the mountains then stopped off at a friends farm for 10-15 mins, then off another 6mls into town to Tesco for a loaf, 15 mins later off we go... I get 4 mls along the road on the darkest, twistiest, busiest hill and the bike makes like its wanting reserve, I duly oblige but it didn't make any difference, and then it died!
Thinking that maybe the reserve fuel pick-up tube was blocked I phoned my helpful neighbour who brought me 5ltrs, but that didn't help, I tried all positions of the tap but the best I got was tick-over on full choke, which died with the slightest throttle.
This to me points to carburation, but because it seems to be firing on all 3 when it does run I'm also considering a collapsed fuel pipe or blocked (new) (inline) fuel filter but why did it not show itself within those first 50mls - it was actually running very nicely right up until that point.
The symptoms are not in keeping with pick-up coil/crank sensor.... or are they? - Is it worth fitting my new spare even though this one has only covered a couple of thousand miles?
I haven't had a proper look yet but I'll check the obvious tomorrow.
Am I missing anything?
............ happy fekkin new year! :icon_rolleyes:
it's the filter ................or the cap vent .................
fuel starvation :nod
Is what I'm guessing - but not the tank vent though as it was opened to add fuel.
Could be Welsh Sheep shit from the Rhayader meet? :bad
Nah, it's naturally immune from that stuff TP.
My bike had a similar problem when I bought it. Turned out to be a blocked filter..'witches hat'. Is fuel flowing OK from tap?
I won't know til tomorrow mate, I've just been glaring at it with contempt from the window tonight. :icon_mad:
It sounds something along those lines, the filter has done only 500 mls or so... there may be something nasty in the tank.
Given your location and the weather of late it might be worth draining the carbs as well in case you have got water in. I've seen those puddles on the A55. I could have gone cruising in them on my boat and she has a 4ft daught.
Quote from: BruKen on January 05, 2016, 10:14:48 AM
Given your location and the weather of late it might be worth draining the carbs as well in case you have got water in. I've seen those puddles on the A55. I could have gone cruising in them on my boat and she has a 4ft daught.
Didn't realise you were so nearby!... the local kayakers had fun on the A55, same happened 4 yrs ago and that time me and the missus were stuck there for five and a half hours, the only escape is the Tal y Bont turn off, but that was in 3' of water, the road needs building up/raising at least 6ft in that stretch.
Back on topic... The in-line filter was blocked and also the tiny one inside the T piece (which I was sure I had removed), then it still wouldn't start so I pulled the carbs and cleaned them - job done.
There was crap in behind all the float valves so really I should clean out the tank before it happens again.
Glad you sorted it JD. Any idea what caused the blockage?
Quote from: threepot on January 05, 2016, 10:49:52 PM
Glad you sorted it JD. Any idea what caused the blockage?
just the usual tank crud Mark, reddish brown flakes... Could have been sheep shit I spose, you must have seen the contents of those lick buckets :augie