
Tiger Time => Girly Talk (1999 - 2006 Tigers) => Chassis & Suspension => Topic started by: Timbox2 on February 02, 2016, 04:53:45 PM

Title: Hagon shock fixed
Post by: Timbox2 on February 02, 2016, 04:53:45 PM
Think I reported in the "Shes Home" thread that it appeared the Hagon rear shock was past its best, Hydro Preload not working and a bit boingy. Well, found a couple of web articles relating to similar issues with other bikes, namely Pan Europeans and how to fix the preload adjuster. So, removed preload adjuster from frame and unscrewed pipe, then removed the end fitting, poured out the old oil and refilled with 10cwt Fork oil, having first backed the adjuster off to minimum.  Reconnected pipe and after a few turns suddenly got resistance and saw the shock end start to compress, result. Maybe needs bleeding and a refill but it will do for now. Also found the pretty well hidden damping screw and a half turn shes much happier. 

Mr Wilbers may still get a call, but its not so urgent now
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