Hello. I have just bought a Triumph Tiger 900-96. But i didnt get the owners manual. Where can i get one?
No idea...but welcome aboard and NICE BIKE!
The Triumph manual doen't give you that much info, just buy the Haynes manual, this will cover pretty much everything Triumph tell you plus it gives much more info for servicing etc.
ok and thanks. One haynes it will be then. I•m really happy with my bike so far. Muck much nicer than my old Africa Twin. Feels like the power is enough in this one. and the vibrations is less than the Africa twin. And my girlfrient loves the seat.
I agree Ive got a 96 Tiger from new done 40,000 miles. In the last year have had new coils and pickup, new rear disks, brake service as calipers keep seizing (is there an updated brake you can use?), new sprocket and chain.
She stills runs like a dream! Considering a new 955 tiger but prefer the style of the old steamer!
Quote from: "Lummox"(is there an updated brake you can use?)
Beringer makes an
awesome caliper/disc setup...cheap, too, practically giving the stuff away... :roll:
Check out Jack Lilley:
http://www.jacklilley.com/newcart/view_ ... art_id=175 (http://www.jacklilley.com/newcart/view_part.asp?category_id=15&category_type_id=198&part_id=175)
also just bought a 96 Tiger,its a learning process,i got the Haynes book on the internet,very usefull,i have 75000kms on mine,whats on yours?
Mine has travelled 3500km. so i am very interested of the haynes manual. Were did you get it? And witch price..
you can find it at
www.haynes.com (http://www.haynes.com)
i think for around 25 english pounds.