Howdy,just got a 96 tiger 75000kms on her,someone has mentioned its time to renew the timing this true?how can one tell?
any info would be much appreciated.
96 Tiger
75K km is less than 50K miles.....wouldn't worry too much about it. However, to check you can pull the valve cover and Right side lowever engine cover and line up the timing marks. Turning the engine the correct (clockwise) direction until the timing marks are aligned down on the crank, then check the timing marks up at the cams. If they are signficantly "behind" their timing marks (not sure what the reference point is) or if the chain is loose on the sprockets, you may need to replace them. That would be both cam sprockets, the crank sprocket, the chain and the tensioner. This will also return your cam timing to it's correction position as the old, stretched chain lets the cams "lag" in their timing (timing is retarded if you will) with the crank which does affect how it runs...(although not much).
'98 BRG Tiger (30K miles)