Hey there,
I just got home with a 1996 Tiger and I still need to get myself a self service manual (Haynes most likely). The petcock is just a bit different then I am used to. I can't seem to find a PRI setting. Just On, Off and Reserve.
Can you tell me if I should change the petcock to off when I park the bike or can I just leave it On?
The bike is mostly parked on the side stand, does this affect what setting I use and/or can it cause the carb to overflow/leak when it is on the side stand for a while?
Thanks in advance! Will now head over to the introduction section :)
Definitely turn the petcock to "off" when leaving it parked. Otherwise, you are relying completely on your float needles to keep fuel from flooding the engine. It will also help keep the o-rings more pliable if they are used a bit.
:ww Usually the ' PRI or Prime' Position is only on vacuum operated fuel taps. Its best to turn it off when parking up in case there is a sticky float valve in a carb. whether on the side stand or center stand if fitted.
just remember to turn it on again when you start it up again :augie
Over time the OEM ones start to wear and pass fuel even when in the off position. I swapped mine over to a pattern Yamaha one a few years ago (can't remember which model). The only real difference being the outlet pointed rear instead of down. It bolted straight on though.
i had to buy a length of copper pipe to extend the main tank tube a bit so that I had a reasonable reserve capacity.
Thanks for those fast replies, guess I will have to head out to turn it off ;)
I noticed what happens when you forgot to turn it on....the bike turned of when I was trying to get away from a traffic light ;)
Gav,is this the one? It's a pn I've written down from somewhere. Still meaning to get one myself!
Looks like it yeah.
http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,8370.0.html (http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,8370.0.html)
Here's the original thread, somewhere in there it says about distance between the bolt holes. That's the important bit. I bought some brass modelling tube to extend the main feed upward a bit to get a decent reserve capacity.
I usually turn mine off about 200~300M before shutting off for the day. Takes pressure off the floats & needles. I just turn off normally the rest of the midday stops.
Cut an inline filter into the fuel line just below the petcock & remove the small on downstream inside the fuel line where it joins the manifold to all carbs. Easier to see the condition & replace once a year.
Instead of opening a new thread this seems to be the best place to ask.
I noticed that I have to turn the petcock on reserve after about 160km (±100 miles). Since I am new to the bike I still have no idea how far I can ride with a full tank and will head to the nearest gas station when I switch to reserve.
Today I noticed that I could still see fuel at the bottom of the tank and that I could only fit in 12 liters to top it off. That is around 1 liter for every 14km of highway driving (constant 120/130 km/h) which isn't to bad I would think.
Is this normal? Does the reserve kick in very fast and if so, why do we even have a reserve? How do you deal with this? Did you fit another petcock or do you just get used to it?
I suspect you will find that the little nylon strainer on the main suction pipe will be deformed.
First check the small filter in the line at the T on the carb inlet. Then fit an inline filter on the outlet of the petcock. Now remove the nylon strainer on the petcock, it'll just pop off.
Go try it again. A filled Steamer tank will take at least 23 litres from empty, more often nearer 25 litres. If the bike is sitting level and you run the main outlet dry then switch to reserve you should get around another 5 litres.
My personal experience is at least 250 kms before any sign of needing to switch to reserve.
The small filter on the reserve side had been deformed (as can be seen in my other thread) but I didn't see any deformation on the normal pipe but since the external filter seems like a must and I need to go to the dealer this weekend anyway I might just as well get myself a new filter and give it another try.
The small filter in the T line was clogged (see the other thread) which caused it to stall in the first place but I cleaned it out and the bike starts straight away and runs fine (although a good amount of vibration at certain speed sometimes (around 120 km/h but that is for another thread).
Thanks again Sin
Sorry about that, I forgot about the other thread :icon_rolleyes: hope that gives you some bench marks to compare with.