
Talk => Speaking Of Bikes... => Topic started by: nickjtc on May 10, 2016, 03:50:46 PM

Title: Increase the capacity of a pannier??
Post by: nickjtc on May 10, 2016, 03:50:46 PM
It irks me every time I load up the bike that the right hand pannier is only marginally useful for carrying stuff because of the 'cut out' to allow for the exhaust. More so in this case because the Leo Vince is a lot smaller in diameter than the stock exhaust

So, anyone got creative ideas as to how to increase its capacity?

I was thinking of attaching two fore and aft 'tool tubes' to the inside surface, or maybe being drastic and getting some ally plate and fabricating a squared off box on the inner side to get rid of the indent. Yes, this would mean that the pannier would never work with the stock exhaust, but since I doubt that I will ever put it back on this is not an issue.

Incidentally, I tried putting the left pannier on that side, and it would fit, if the mounting frame was modified. And no, I do not want to buy an aluminium Ewan McCharlie set-up!
Title: Re: Increase the capacity of a pannier??
Post by: Mustang on May 10, 2016, 04:11:06 PM
don't bring so much "stuff"

I learned a long time ago ..travel light , there's a walmart everywhere for a new pair of socks and jeans.

the only thing you really need is a tent a sleeping bag and your camera .................everything else can be bought as needed .

Title: Re: Increase the capacity of a pannier??
Post by: Sin_Tiger on May 10, 2016, 04:51:04 PM
A box of paper skiddies, the farther you go, the lighter you get  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Increase the capacity of a pannier??
Post by: nickjtc on May 10, 2016, 05:21:57 PM
Good points, both. It's not weight carrying capacity I'm looking for, just extra volume. So that said sleeping bag could be carried in a pannier rather than in a dry bag bungeed to the bag of the seat. No point in giving evil reprobates an easy target to steal.....

And I don't need paper underwear because each pair of pants lasts four days :thumbsup (That's front, reverse, inside out, reverse)  :icon_wink:
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