
Tiger Time => Girly Talk (1999 - 2006 Tigers) => ECU and Fuel Injection => Topic started by: Timbox2 on May 14, 2016, 12:05:44 PM

Title: Sticking TB Butterfly
Post by: Timbox2 on May 14, 2016, 12:05:44 PM
Bit long, but stay with me, its a new one on me this.
A few weeks ago I was out somewhere on the bike and all of a sudden I couldnt twist the throttle, it felt as though the throttle cable had jammed. Anyway after a couple of twists it suddenly freed itself and that was it,all was well again,  sort of forgot about until yesterday when I suddenly remembered and thought I would examine and maybe lubricate the throttle. So, into the garage and I removed the twist grip end and took the cable out. I then put a cable oiler on and gave it a few squirts of silicon lube and a grease up on the cam. Put it all back together and started the bike up and all felt good, until I snapped the throttle open and let it snap shut, jammed again, and this time it wouldnt budge. Im thinking its the cable at the TB end, so off with the tank and airbox but all looked good. I then went to open the throttle with the throttle stop itself, and it was still jammed, so nothing to do with the cable, so I gently pushed down on the butterfly itself in No1 TB, and click, it suddenly frees. The butterfly is actually closing too much and jamming in the bore. Now as most of you who have balanced the TB's will know, No1 is not actually adjustable, but it is in a way, only the adjustment actually affects all 3 TB's as its the throttle stop itself.

In the picture below(Which is not this bike actually, but a picture from my previous Tiger) Ive arrowed the stop, underneath there is a screw, but its upside down and to get to the head would involve removing the throttle body assy. So what I did was very gingerly bent the tab down a tiny fraction and thats done it, its just lifted the butterfly enough to stop it jamming and the tickover is fine so I dont think its affected the TB sensor.   Bloody weird

Title: Re: Sticking TB Butterfly
Post by: Bixxer Bob on May 17, 2016, 09:26:03 PM
I was about to say adjust the stop screw but you got there anyway.  Don't forget to balance the other two to it.
Title: Re: Sticking TB Butterfly
Post by: husky.b on April 10, 2017, 02:26:02 AM
I am a newbe. What is the grey paint around the butterfly valves?
Title: Re: Sticking TB Butterfly
Post by: Timbox2 on April 10, 2017, 07:56:25 AM
Quote from: husky.b on April 10, 2017, 02:26:02 AM
I am a newbe. What is the grey paint around the butterfly valves?

I wondered that myself mate when I was doing this, it was almost like a very thin coating of sealant of some type? Thing is I cant remember whether the other Tiger I had was the same, looks like its applied at the factory though.
Title: Re: Sticking TB Butterfly
Post by: John Stenhouse on April 10, 2017, 03:40:24 PM
Anti tamper paint? to show whether you've been playing with it to the dealer.
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