So im doing some elctrical work on my 96 steamer during the rebuild into a scrambler type machine.
Ive bought a new single headlight and re-ran the electric in the same way as with the original two headlights.
My low beam is on constantly unleds i kill the lighting on the right hand controls. Even whith the key turned and taken out.
Went to look at the wiring diagram, it says i have two headlight relays (one i surrounded by ------). I ony have one headlight relay irl that i can find. Cant for the life of me figure out where the other one would be and even if i found it, it's not connected to the original headlight wiring.
Tried just connecting the Old headlights and still the same. Loe beam is on constantly.
Am I an idiot?
Have you tried a different relay? mine did the same and when I opened it, it was corroded inside. both relays are usually behind the dash/cockpit... unless someone has been there before you - with wire cutters.
Havent tried a different one but it looks fine inside.
My big confusion is that I ony have one relay but the wiring diagram says i should have two.
Anyone have any pictures of how your steamer look withe the relay setup?
Went yolo on the Eiring and redrew all the cables from the relay. Now it works but I dont know what was wrong in the first place