Hi Dose anyone know where to buy mikuni butterfly valves for 1996 steamer. Thanks
Try this place, used him for jets in the past. it does say he offers a range of parts for OEM mikuni's.
http://www.allensperformance.co.uk/ (http://www.allensperformance.co.uk/)
I don't think they're available separately... try here as Steve will know:
Thank you I'll give them a ring in the morning.
Had a bit play with the valve. Put it in other way it virtually fits,
as I cleaned it up I'm hoping with use it will seal itself. Once again
thanks for feedback.
Just a thought. Is it no. 2? Have you adjusted the stops to try to try to get it close? These don't usually wear unless it's really high mileage, in fact more damage is usually done by playing about with them.
Had no choice mate, since owning the bike never been able to sync carbs
when I looked the valve was bent so I took it out straiten.
:sign13 PO or mechanic been messing about, not something you'd expect to find, unlucky as it's not an obvious one you would check for :m
Going luck finding a part, maybe Steve has a used spare lying arid as he does these quite regularly.
Unfortunately they are not sold separat you have to buy the carb! Bugger.
Lay it flat on a good smooth steel surface (tail of the moving jaw of a 4"vice is good) and with the high side up and a small piece of hardwood, tap it flat in small steps. With care you might get it close enough to be serviceable.
All ready done thanks.
Are you sorted?
yes thankyou. Sorry for delay shift work