Well that was plan anyway.
Airbox backfire/ Exhaust backfire was only on decel but getting worse.
Stripped bike down to get to plugs. Yeah so what size socket is not in my tool kit... Bugger
Not a great start.
Another thing so that little cap that looks like an air cap on the compression damping thats bolted to the engine. So i turn it and it come off in my fingers ffs lil valve an all.
Is this going to squirt oil out now?
I dont get it bike ran faultless on inspection. I know it was cheap at £800 but i thought that was cause of its ruff looks,
bought a lemon? i hope not
Are you talking about the rear suspension remote reservoir?
Black cylinder with the cycle air adapter for pressurising the shock?. If the valves mechanically failed, you have no pressured damping, and your not going to like how that feels.
It is not going to squirt oil, unless the bladder is split.
Shock may need to be removed, but parts are available.
I have a slight backfire or popping on deceleration, been told it could be either hole in intake boots or exhaust. Check the boots between carbs and engine while you are stripped down as mine are pretty corroded but look fine when all the carbs are attached. New boots on ebay are 30 quid for a set. The misfiring lower down in the revs I have also. I have some new ignition coils coming this week and more than happy to come to yours at some point as you aren't that far away in north yorkshire and switch them out one at a time till yours works then you only need to buy one. Could save you 60 quid. All I ask is a supply of tea while we work.
Yeah that sounds like it .
:>< well done me
Ive put a short allen bold in it as it still had a couple of threads.
I rides like a pile anyway Never ridden one before so have nothing to compare with.
So you reckon the next step is?
Nice one kenny. Yeah i will give them a good check over like you said look ok but idk whats it like with carbs off.
See how it goes.
Can do cake aswell Mr :thumbsup
1st job is get a 18 thin wall ordered . Cant believe ive not got a 18mm sparkplug socket. Box full of other sizes.
Having a sob day
Just had bike running and its poping and banging all the way up the revs now. Have gill coils and from what ive read that these are not the best. 55k miles so if original... might be fubar or about to be
Short video of bike running after a quick blat down road and back https://youtu.be/zOwUrT5BWbU
IMHO it doesn't sound too bad. Mine runs like a pig after its been left for a week or so, but the more its ridden, the better it sounds. Not sure those pipes are helping.
Going by the pic, it looks like the valve core has just worked loose - never known it before - but try screwing the core back in, its the same as the valve on your bike or car tyre, you'll need a schraeder tool or one of those valve caps with the castellated top. Its supposed to be filled with nitogen to 120 psi, and I believe Halfrauds do it, but I just used a compressor (which only goes up to about 80 psi)
Sounds normalish to me.
If push comes to shove you can buy a hand pump for mtb shocks for a £10 which would get you to 150psi in a jiffy.
If it weren't for the fact that the mot place I normal use can do nitrogen I would be doing this.
If you can afford? Ditch the rear shock,and replace. I fitted a YSS recently..totally transformed the bike.!.£239. Or Hagon?Check your exhausts for holes!! Otherwise,new coils should make a difference?