So I pulled my carbs off my 98 Steamer named Freddie for Freddie Mercury in an attempt to get it running after it injested some dirty air. I performed airbox surgery and just about shook my leg dog like with pleasure. What a fantastic mod! It should be named after its creator. Anyway, after a few times of on and off to get float levels correct, I put the carbs and ran it. Oh three cylinders of British fury how I missed you!
It runs even better than before but it has some issues that need to be addressed. The first is it pops when I let of the throttle which never happened before. I did not completely install all airbox components. Could that be the culprit?
The next thing is the vent tube. It was sitting on the cement in my garage leaking a honey colored thick substance. I touched it and smelled it (but didn't taste it). It smelled like gas. For a second after finding it i looked around for a beehive. Does anyone know what or why it is?
Thank you your time
Everything from the carbs back has got to be on, original and air tight or pop pop pop on the overrun.
Brown liquid after the red dust? Are you sure you just didn't run over someone making watercolour paintings?
Mine 'pops' too since I cut my airbox,but it did before! :bad Have you got any holes in the silencers? You could've thought of someone a bit more 'butch' to call it? :icon_rolleyes:
Butch enough for ya ( :m
I would ride my bike like Freddie but my belly may beat me to death. There are holes in the silencers. Two big ones in the back. Symmetrical holes. I didn't hit anyone with water colors but I may have clipped a clown. I didn't stick around to find out because I didn't want to get lured into the woods.
Thanks for the heads up and a laugh. :notworthy
oh no... it's turning into one of those threads :icon_eek:
I have yet to come across a Tiger that doesn't pop on over-run. Anybody have one?
No! :5moped