Hi All,
Thanks to everyone for all the great info stored here. I have used lots of it! I have had a look for info about my particular issue, but have not been able to locate any. So here goes.
My 93 Steamer (96k) developed a sudden leak from the area of the countershaft sprocket a couple of days ago. I anticipated a worn out countershaft seal. Upon inspection, I now suspect the true culprit may be the o-ring that seals what I believe to be the selector shaft (or Haynes calls the fork rod).
Am I able to withdraw this shaft far enough to replace the o-ring without upsetting the selectors? Can I successfully return the shaft to its original position after doing this?
Obviously, the alternative to this relatively simple procedure (I'm thinking major surgery. aaargh!) would be daunting. If anyone can give me guidance here, I would be a very happy man. I will include a couple of pics. The suspect is centre of screen with a Torx screw and retainer.
Many thanks.
I read a how to regarding this (I'll try find it) I can be done but the shaft should be withdrawn just enough to change the O-ring - and we're talking millimeters, otherwise the mechanism drops and its an engine strip to repair.
There yer go... Post #3 :icon_biggrin:
**selector shaft 9mm ID x 12mm OD o ring. 3600007-t0301 (HNBR 8.8mm x 1.9mm o ring)
Thanks JayDub,
I got all I needed and more from the fantastic "How to" that you sent me the link to. Terrific! Almost compulsory reading for anyone inexperienced who is launching into this job.
The job is done now. :wings
Selector shaft o-ring replaced with the larger 8.8mm ID x 1.9mm recommendation. Noticeably larger, but went in easy! The trickiest part was, of course, removing the old o-ring. I flattened the end of a 3inch nail and bent it at 90 degrees and used it as a tool. The Torx screw securing the shaft was very tight on extraction due to the build-up of thread-lock. I had to use the appropriate die to clean up the thread and then it went back in nice.
I also took the advice in the "How to" and flipped the clutch push-rod around to avoid the area of wear.
A problem I encountered was not being able to remove the countershaft sleeve. This made removing the countershaft seal (without damaging the sleeve) very difficult. Took a long time and a lot of care. I will try to make a puller next time.
Anyway, thanks again and all the best to you. May your Tiger always remain "rubber side down".
Great stuff! happy to help :thumbs up
We should pinch that write-up for Our 'how to' section. Get yerself some dental picks for a few quid/dollars on fleabay :icon_wink:
Quote from: JayDub on January 06, 2017, 01:26:03 PM
I read a how to regarding this (I'll try find it) I can be done but the shaft should be withdrawn just enough to change the O-ring - and we're talking millimeters, otherwise the mechanism drops and its an engine strip to repair.
There yer go... Post #3 :icon_biggrin:
**selector shaft 9mm ID x 12mm OD o ring. 3600007-t0301 (HNBR 8.8mm x 1.9mm o ring)
I need to do this. Thanks for the link.