Hi all,
Just wondering if there are any recommendations for engine casing paint? My clutch and left hand covers need some refinishing. Although they aren't too bad, if I don't do something sooner rather than later, they can only get worse. I understand that the original crinkle powder coating is a specialised job, but are there any recommendations for a rattle can option? Frost do one, but I am unsure if it is a matt or satin finish. I do have etch primer, so will apply that first.
Thanks in advance!
A decent powder coater should be able to do it pretty close. I'd suggest doing all the covers at the same time so they match, a slight difference compared to the main casing. I have some of that black flecked media but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
The finish I've gotten with rattle cans is exactly that, wrinkled rather than flecked, think spent too long in the bath fingers.
Oh and when the bits come back from any powder coating, I wash and blow out any orifices like a man possessed, 1 tiny piece of grit can do a lot of damage.
Thanks for that. As you say, I think it will have to be powder coat for a proper job. I won't waste my money on a rattle can attempt!