
Travel - These bikes were made for riding => Up and Coming => Topic started by: mat-tiger1 on July 05, 2017, 10:45:05 AM

Title: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on July 05, 2017, 10:45:05 AM
Ok, I'll be the one to ask! :icon_redface: Following on from our ultra-successful Cotswold meet up :icon_cool: a few members asked 'wherever next?'  :m
So bearing in mind how long it takes for the group to come up with suggestions & make decisions etc. I thought it might be useful to start the ball rolling. (http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sport/bowler-smiley-emoticon.gif) (http://www.sherv.net/)

Nick mentioned that he was possibly looking at a little adventure across the channel later this year to ride a little of northern France over a long weekend  (http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/flags/flag-of-france.gif) (http://www.sherv.net/) & a couple of you mentioned a yearning to travel across to the emerald isle (http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/flags/flag-of-ireland.gif) (http://www.sherv.net/) or possibly further afield (http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/confused/reading-a-map-smiley-emoticon.gif) (http://www.sherv.net/) for the next annual meet in 2018.

Other suggestions are of course welcome (please keep them clean! :icon_rolleyes:) as to what we should be getting up to for the rest of this year (lots of it left!) and for the annual meet-up next year.  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 06, 2017, 09:05:16 AM
I'd really like to do Southern Ireland at some point. It would be good to do that as a group....ride...pub...repeat for a week.

If people could only make a weekend, and I appreciate it is difficult to get away, then we could make a part of it the tiger triple ride 2018. If that's what people wanted.

As for France I am giving some thought to a long weekend trip this year which basically goes something like Portsmouth to Cherbourg (or whatever) across Northern france and back via Dunkirk to Dover and home.

Other stuff: I have a week in late August where the wife is in Italy on a course, the kids are away, the dog is in kennels and the cats are in the cattery. And I have a bike and no fixed plans... May go up to Scotland if anyone fancies a ride up.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Sin_Tiger on July 06, 2017, 11:20:00 AM
Quote from: Nick Calne on July 06, 2017, 09:05:16 AM
And I have a bike and no fixed plans... May go up to Scotland if anyone fancies a ride up.

Could do a recce in the borders for a 2018 fall back plan  :augie. Spare room / tent space available.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 07, 2017, 12:08:52 AM
Sounds good Sin.  Let's have a chat about it some time soon.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 07, 2017, 10:01:25 AM
When in August Nick? I like the Northern France idea, got a friend in Alencon with a couple of spare rooms.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 08, 2017, 04:18:32 PM
OK Mr Stenhouse, Mr Matthias

This is what I have in mind, subject to ongoing further refinement.  A 5ish day trip, possibly heading out on a Thursday back on Monday or Tuesday depending on how things go.  Generally less than 200 miles / 5.5 hrs riding a day, mixture of smaller roads, all tarmac in France.  I have tried to get all routes to be alongside the sea, a watercourse or in a forest or something to keep things visually interesting where possible.  Google Streetview, it's really useful...

Part 1
I have started from my house and made a wiggle towards Portsmouth and, in common with the majority of the trip, avoided major roads and motorways.  Head south from Calne to Salisbury Plain, with a little gravel road action, then on to Salisbury itself.  Quick look at Old Sarum and maybe Salisbury if time permits. Then back roads to Portsmouth. Jump on the ferry to Cherbourg.  It takes 3 hours or so to cross the channel with Brittany ferries, so that's pretty much a day done.  Crash somewhere in Cherbourg - place to be confirmed.

Wazz East round the coast via Utah Beach to Bayeux, tapestry inspection and sandwich then blat over to have a peek at Mont St Michel.  Head toward along the river valley to Virey where there is good bike friendly hotel.

Part 3
Up to Caen, then up and along the coast to Hornfleur, which is very pretty.  Ride toward Rouen along the banks of the Seine, ferry over the Seine to just outside Rouen.  I'll try and get accommodation in a place I have stayed before in a manor house, which was jolly nice indeed and quite reasonable.

Part 4
Have a quick look at Rouen and its cathedral.  Windy route after that to Le Touquet, home of the beach race.  I don't think there is any particular reason to go there, but it is kind of on the way and why not.  If possible, blast up and down on the beach...  Then wander towards Dunkirk.  On the way is a Nazi missile launching base in a forest which is probably worth a look.  Then Dunkirk and the ferry.  Either stay nearby to Dunkirk and get the ferry in the morning or get back to Blighty and find somewhere there.

Part 5
The slow wander home across Southern England stopping wherever suits.  Again I have tried to make the route in England as good as the route in France, but I am still working on this.  Home for tea and cake without the wife even noticing I was gone.

Still a lot of research and planning to go, but that is the gist of it.  Whaddya think?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 09, 2017, 12:52:07 AM
Sounds like a plan
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 09, 2017, 12:56:27 AM
Apart from Rouen cathedral, they are all places I've been to.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 09, 2017, 03:58:33 PM
Even the Nazi missile launching bunker? :icon_eek:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 10, 2017, 11:24:05 AM
rm, no, BUT, I saw it on National Geographic, and they probably have better access  :rfl
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 10, 2017, 12:29:35 PM
I can take you to a Tiger tank, and a Sherman, they are a fair way apart, one is just outside Vire, and the other is West of Alencon in the forest.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 10, 2017, 10:24:36 PM
You know a suspicious amount about all this ww2 stuff.  I am beginning to suspect you might have a range of corresponding outfits in your wardrobe...  Have you ever been to a party with Max Mosley or Prince Harry?   :ImaPoser BTW on the proposed route we'll also be crossing Pegasus Bridge which is another ww2 thingy.

I'll know more about late August in a day or two.  Dog now booked into the kennels, just need to find somewhere for les chats, then I'm not a number, I'm a free man.  And the world will be my lobster. :wings

Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Timbox2 on July 10, 2017, 10:46:31 PM
A "Sherman Tank" in South London is a very different thing :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 10, 2017, 11:34:40 PM
Ah yes, Pegasus bridge, I must get you and dave together he can tell you tales of Pegasus bridge. First time I dropped my VFR was there when they moved the old bridge to a field I went looking for it.

Tim, NO! I know what Sherman Tank is thank you :icon_eek:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on July 11, 2017, 05:56:52 PM
Time off for good behavior all booked  :wings :thumbsup

Put my name on that list Nick, let's go to France! :occasion14 :icon_cool:

BTW, does anybody speak Franglais?  :m
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 11, 2017, 08:26:44 PM
Not me. We'll have to wing it or carefully study old 'Allo 'Allo videos.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 11, 2017, 11:53:46 PM
There are some advantages from having gone to Le Mans for twenty years.

Avez vous un biere?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 12, 2017, 12:04:35 AM
Have I missed something? Did you post a date for this jaunt?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 12, 2017, 09:07:21 AM
 Will call you later today John
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Sin_Tiger on July 12, 2017, 02:26:20 PM
Quote from: mat-tiger1 on July 11, 2017, 05:56:52 PM
BTW, does anybody speak Franglais?  :m

If "Bonjour I want a strong milky tea with sugar and if that cream cake doesn't have any nuts in it I'll have une merci" counts then Stenhouse is your man  :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on July 13, 2017, 12:56:58 AM
Cake, did someone mention cake? 
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on July 13, 2017, 09:19:53 AM
It's on! 7th to 11th Sept.
Participants list is currently Mr Matthias, Mr Stenhouse and myself.  Anyone else interested before I go booking stuff up this weekend?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on July 16, 2017, 11:12:30 PM
Quote from: Nick Calne on July 13, 2017, 09:19:53 AM
It's on! 7th to 11th Sept.
Participants list is currently Mr Matthias, Mr Stenhouse and myself.  Anyone else interested before I go booking stuff up this weekend?

Anymore for Anymore??  :m :m :m :^_^ :^_^ :^_^ :wheel
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Bigfeesh on July 21, 2017, 10:18:52 AM
Im just back from a jaunt around Ireland, one thing stood out was the roads, very few pothole but very, very bumpy at times  :bug_eye had some air time a few times! Some fantastic twisties though, other than that, more costly than Geordieland and I have never seen so many padlocked farmers fields  :icon_scratch:, overall a very good trip.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Misterplant on July 21, 2017, 06:28:24 PM
Il actually be hitting dieppe at stupid o'clock on the 9th heading to the Vosges and surrounds but on my sprint...the girlies nearly roadworthy cept for a chainguard,(cast wheel model ones don't fit earlier wire wheelers which I have,hint :augie hint)
Who knows,might see you on the road :icon_salut:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: blacktiger on July 22, 2017, 06:45:12 PM
I might be up for the September thing.

But, going back to 2018, having just driven through the Picos de Europa, there are some fantastic roads with corresponding fantastic views to be had. Would require a full week though to make it worthwhile.
(http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp48/black955tiger/FREELANDER%20TRIP%20JULY%202017/IMG_20170710_101921855.jpg) (http://s396.photobucket.com/user/black955tiger/media/FREELANDER%20TRIP%20JULY%202017/IMG_20170710_101921855.jpg.html)

Trail from Sotres to Espimnama.
(http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp48/black955tiger/FREELANDER%20TRIP%20JULY%202017/IMG_3540.jpg) (http://s396.photobucket.com/user/black955tiger/media/FREELANDER%20TRIP%20JULY%202017/IMG_3540.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on July 23, 2017, 11:09:15 AM
Would be great if you could join the merry band H! :occasion14 :thumbsup
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Geoff W on July 24, 2017, 10:05:37 PM
Quote from: Bigfeesh on July 21, 2017, 10:18:52 AM
Im just back from a jaunt around Ireland, one thing stood out was the roads, very few pothole but very, very bumpy at times  :bug_eye had some air time a few times! Some fantastic twisties though, other than that, more costly than Geordieland and I have never seen so many padlocked farmers fields  :icon_scratch:, overall a very good trip.
The padlocked fields are to stop lampers, around here they usually drag a telegraph pole or similar across the entrance.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: blacktiger on August 02, 2017, 10:56:05 AM
Right, so that's me booked up for this jaunt. On the ferries at least.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on August 03, 2017, 08:20:55 PM
Great stuff Blacktiger!  :thumbsup

So that's Nick calne, Mr Stenhouse, Blacktiger, Sin_tiger & little old me!  :icon_biggrin:

Dates are:- departing Portsmouth - Cherbourg 09:00 07/09 & returning from Dunkirk - Dover 12:00 11/09.

Anymore for anymore for this Normandy adventure ladies & gentlemen?   :m
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Geoff W on August 03, 2017, 08:53:40 PM
Very tempting "to throw a sickie", but as I am self employed I will resist manfully. That and my wife would be less than impressed. Have great fun, don't be fooled by the "Petite Suise" area of Normandy, it is about as Swiss as The Cotswolds, but almost as pretty.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on August 03, 2017, 10:40:31 PM
Mr Woolley, Mr Roderick, Mr London phil... can we tempt you on this adventure?

Geoff a sickie is a great idea. What is not to like? Let's go!
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: JayDub on August 04, 2017, 02:11:39 PM
Quote from: Nick Calne on August 03, 2017, 10:40:31 PM
Mr Woolley, Mr Roderick, Mr London phil... can we tempt you on this adventure?

Geoff a sickie is a great idea. What is not to like? Let's go!
Thank you most kindly Mr. C but it's not possible for several reasons... It just ain't gonna happen - as much as I'd like it to  :nono
but please keep the pics and reports coming
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: London_Phil on August 04, 2017, 03:21:49 PM
Quote from: Nick Calne on August 03, 2017, 10:40:31 PM
Mr Woolley, Mr Roderick, Mr London phil... can we tempt you on this adventure?

Geoff a sickie is a great idea. What is not to like? Let's go!

Far too close to the Wedding Anniversary, so unlikely, but Ill see how the land lies after this years anniversary   ........
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Bixxer Bob on August 17, 2017, 10:07:13 AM
Sadly,  I'm busy over those dates, Working 6th, racing at Anglesey 9-10 Sep then a few days camping in North Wales stright after.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: threepot on August 17, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
My brothers getting married..again! :icon_rolleyes:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: JoeDirt on August 18, 2017, 02:12:31 PM
Quote from: threepot on August 17, 2017, 05:38:00 PM
My brothers getting married..again! :icon_rolleyes:

What happened to that "Death till you part" stuff...  :nono
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: London_Phil on September 05, 2017, 07:49:27 PM
Enjoy the ride Guys, sorry I got the year wrong......
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Sin_Tiger on September 06, 2017, 12:09:51 AM
Quote from: JoeDirt on August 18, 2017, 02:12:31 PM
What happened to that "Death till you part" stuff...  :nono

I didn't see a mention of what happened to the first one  :cp
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: JoeDirt on September 14, 2017, 01:56:14 PM
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on September 06, 2017, 12:09:51 AM
I didn't see a mention of what happened to the first one  :cp

I'm extremely slow... maybe there was a death. :icon_rolleyes:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Misterplant on September 17, 2017, 06:40:15 PM
Dunno if the chaps are back yet-I got back from my Vosges jaunt on the sprint with my mate on a tiger sport yesterday.with side trips across the Rhine into Switzerland and Germany,it was a totally no motorway/bare minimum A road trip,cept for this side of the channel.weather was great when the sun was shining,the other 90% of the time it was rather wet  :icon_rolleyes: but that's biking innit.still had a good time,and hope the chaps did too.il try and post some pics when my phone dries out!
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: blacktiger on October 05, 2017, 07:21:09 PM
So bringing this back to the next year's meet. I'm in favour of Ireland. North and south. And if we could coincide it with something like the NW200, so much the better. 13~19th May 2018. http://northwest200.org/2018-international-north-west-200-dates-announced-glenn-irwin-confirms-will-back-nw200-grid-next-may/
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on October 06, 2017, 03:35:04 PM
That would be cool, would love to see that.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Chris Canning on October 06, 2017, 06:49:54 PM
You boys wil def need a plan,we go to the NW every year used the same B&B from 96 till 4 years back when we became refugees trying to sort out an alternative because demand is so great.

The fun thing folks you are up against chasing accommodation live 50 miles down the road in Belfast their not great travellers and just like we did for years book for the following as we are leaving.

I know you boys like camping behind pubs but jeez the weather can be real tricky  :icon_biggrin:

But I might add well worth the effort it's very unique hence why we go every year.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Sin_Tiger on October 07, 2017, 09:24:38 AM
Thanks for the warning, though it shouldn't really chime as a surprise. As for the weather, if you think Scotland's weather is temperamental  :augie
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on October 07, 2017, 12:00:16 PM
I went to Northern Ireland this summer for my sister in law's wedding. It was ok, if we were going to Ireland wouldn't the west coast and the ring of kerry be a better bet? More 'adventure' type riding and all that.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on October 07, 2017, 12:22:37 PM
Maybe we could do this...


and those that can't spare the time could just do a bit of it?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on October 07, 2017, 03:49:13 PM
That would be great Nick, except I'd want to take three weeks and H would do it in two days  :augie

(Ducks and runs for cover )
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Chris Canning on October 07, 2017, 05:43:38 PM
Quote from: Nick Calne on October 07, 2017, 12:22:37 PM
Maybe we could do this...


and those that can't spare the time could just do a bit of it?

Great route except the link via Scotland the law know when the NW is on and rub their hands with glee god knows how we never got nicked but everyone else did!! Hence why it's Fishguard or Holly head or ride at 3500 revs  :icon_lol:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on October 07, 2017, 09:19:10 PM
Well maybe John we send you ahead by a week and I bet H and Chris will catch up in due course.

We'll release the rest in batches according to pace on previous trips. Like a handicap system.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on October 07, 2017, 09:26:41 PM
Oh and Chris there is a bunch of us on steamers who normally get told to hurry up by the police and for that matter everyone else.  Tickets are not a great source of worry.  Braking, cornering and such like on the other hand....

Naming no names but it's usually threepot, jaydub and I.  John is our honorary president this year.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: threepot on October 07, 2017, 11:37:34 PM
Speak for yourself Nick! My 'steamers' no slouch! I've had a few encounters with GS's recently :bad
I pissed off one because he couldn't overtake me! Well he did eventually,on a right hander,crossing double white lines!
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on October 08, 2017, 12:30:12 AM
Bmw drivers...typical.

And ha!  :5moped :ImaPoser
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on October 08, 2017, 05:39:17 PM
Quote from: Nick Calne on October 07, 2017, 09:19:10 PM
Like a handicap system.

Are you trying to be funny?  :nap :icon_redface:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Chris Canning on October 08, 2017, 09:54:58 PM
One of the great joys when riding my S1000XR folks look in their mirrors and move out of the way it's reputation saves me a lot of hassle  :icon_biggrin:

Getting back on track if you guys do decide on the NW then i'll Put up some more info because there's some does and dont's particularly when it comes to where to park and what to see.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: threepot on October 09, 2017, 04:49:29 PM
No offence Chris, but those BM's don't do it for me? I know they're fast,and all that,but I think the Tiger Sport's a nicer looker?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Geoff W on October 09, 2017, 10:35:00 PM
NW 200 is as Chris says very busy, and rightly so. When a bunch of us from my village went over, we stayed at a cheap and fairly cheerful hotel in Ballymoney, and caught the train up to watch the race. Ballymoney is handy if you are a Dunlop fan, as Joey's bar have special events on. But it books up , so plan ahead. Alternatively go to one of the lower profile races like the Cookstown 100 or Tandragee 150 ( I have not been to Tandergee, but I can vouch for Cookstown). Racing is just as full on and you are very close to the action. The Northern Ireland coast road makes for a very good days ride, Moutains of Morne, and over to Donegal all very scenic and twisty. Just expect lots of weather, lots and lots of weather. ( I got sunburnt once). :icon_cool:
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Chris Canning on October 10, 2017, 05:51:14 PM
Quote from: threepot on October 09, 2017, 04:49:29 PM
No offence Chris, but those BM's don't do it for me? I know they're fast,and all that,but I think the Tiger Sport's a nicer looker?

Oh blimey I think Tim's new sport is great I went to check his bike over for him but it wasn't even an option for me end of 15 begging of 16 and if Triumph produce a big bore version of this 765 thing they have on the go i'll Be interested but the X/R and big KTM's are at such a level power wise you'd be gobsmacked and I rather like being back to where I was mid eighties with my FJ1200 where you can deal with absolutely all comers cars/bikes anything you like.

I've even had a encounter with a Big Bang R1 bare in mind i'm On a big traillie and there was nothing in it and I have to say it's rather nice to sit on.

Down sides it can be a bit vibey but jeez you can be in top gear doing 25mph and open it up even two up no gear change just throttle and it's absolutely warp drive even my k1200 doesn't have the bottom end of my X/R and oh the quick shifter  :icon_lol: even steady away from the lights open the throttle at a steady opening and just click it up through the box even if i'm Only doing 40mph i'll Have put 20 yards into the rest of traffic from a standstill.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Chris Canning on October 10, 2017, 05:51:38 PM
Quote from: Geoff W on October 09, 2017, 10:35:00 PM
NW 200 is as Chris says very busy, and rightly so. When a bunch of us from my village went over, we stayed at a cheap and fairly cheerful hotel in Ballymoney, and caught the train up to watch the race. Ballymoney is handy if you are a Dunlop fan, as Joey's bar have special events on. But it books up , so plan ahead. Alternatively go to one of the lower profile races like the Cookstown 100 or Tandragee 150 ( I have not been to Tandergee, but I can vouch for Cookstown). Racing is just as full on and you are very close to the action. The Northern Ireland coast road makes for a very good days ride, Moutains of Morne, and over to Donegal all very scenic and twisty. Just expect lots of weather, lots and lots of weather. ( I got sunburnt once). :icon_cool:

In the end we got fed up being refugees  :icon_lol: we rent a house with our friends from Belfast in Bushmills.

And yes there's just a zillion things to do when there hence why we are going for a week next year.

Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: blacktiger on October 11, 2017, 09:19:04 PM
Quote from: Chris Canning on October 10, 2017, 05:51:14 PM
Oh blimey I think Tim's new sport is great I went to check his bike over for him but it wasn't even an option for me end of 15 begging of 16 and if Triumph produce a big bore version of this 765 thing they have on the go i'll Be interested but the X/R and big KTM's are at such a level power wise you'd be gobsmacked and I rather like being back to where I was mid eighties with my FJ1200 where you can deal with absolutely all comers cars/bikes anything you like.

I've even had a encounter with a Big Bang R1 bare in mind i'm On a big traillie and there was nothing in it and I have to say it's rather nice to sit on.

Down sides it can be a bit vibey but jeez you can be in top gear doing 25mph and open it up even two up no gear change just throttle and it's absolutely warp drive even my k1200 doesn't have the bottom end of my X/R and oh the quick shifter  :icon_lol: even steady away from the lights open the throttle at a steady opening and just click it up through the box even if i'm Only doing 40mph i'll Have put 20 yards into the rest of traffic from a standstill.

:sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1 :sleepy1
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Bluesprint05 on November 17, 2017, 10:24:58 AM
Top of the morning to you all.

Back to the thread, would love to join you all again but I think I could only manage half of it. I think I would plan to travel to Dublin then meet you perhaps near Limerick for the Southern part of this plan, if that is what you plan to do.

Any idea what time of the year you thinking of?

I last visited Ireland some 12 years ago on a Blueprint, 2005! Now what does that tell you?

Best Regards and of. Course not too. Far away, compliments of the season.

Alan Wallington
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on December 05, 2017, 06:31:25 PM
Bump - I suppose we need to think about this all over Christmas and report back.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on December 06, 2017, 01:47:58 PM
Christmas? Oh yes the excuse to eat too much and get drunk a lot. We just need to book it Nick, you know if you do folk will just sign up to do it, look what happened last time.......

Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on January 02, 2018, 05:17:00 PM
Now that the festivities are all but done with, I think there may be a plan afoot! :icon_wink:

Would you like to add anything Nick??  :wave
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on January 02, 2018, 10:23:37 PM
Yup sorry Ivor.

A plan has been layed, incubated and hatched. And it has all the hall marks of our normal, shining brilliance and in depth pre-planning. No time has been wasted with banter about cheese & port, coffee stops or t shirts. None. At all. Totally professional us lot.  As ever we know little but this is what we do know...

Essentially, we are intending to be in Ireland between the dates of Sat 26th May and Sun 3rd June.  Exact days tbc when we know more about ferries and suchlike.  We won't be away for more than 5 days probably but you may wish to think about getting to the start and finish points. Probably a days ride for most of us.  Should only take 4 days annual leave as the late May bank holiday falls in this week.

We have a proposed route.... Get to Cairnryan in Scotland for a deep fried mars bar, make the crossing to Belfast, Giants Causeway, across to Castle Bar, drop down the West Coast taking in this and that, around the fancy, frilly bits at the bottom and up Rosslare for the ferry to Fishguard.  Fish and chips in Wales then all go home.

The route is paced to be quite relaxed allowing people to do some investigation of the area, some deviation and of course the indulgement of our beloved Mr Stenhouse's frequent coffee stop requirements. Generally about 150-200 miles a day before detours allowing us time to investigate the Emerald Isle's attractions and landmarks Generally terminating in a public house each day.  Accommodation will probably be in buildings, not tents... too wet in Ireland for camping!

Takers currently include the following:

John Stenhouse
Mat Tiger
Sin Tiger
Bixxer Bob
London Phil
Geoff W

Spud is also giving it some serious thought.

Regulars who have currently ruled themselves out are Timbox2, Jaydub, Blacktiger and Threepot though I hope they do reconsider! C'mon guys!  :m :friday

Any one else interested?

Other stuff:

You will need waterproofs.

Not necessarily going on tigers, ride what you like.

Based on the France trip some of us did last year it will cost about £750 for everything.

Sin tiger is going to look at group bookings via an agent in the next few days so please let me or him know asap if you fancy volunteering to join this exciting mission!
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on January 02, 2018, 10:25:15 PM
Alan (and anyone else!) if you remain interested pm me a mobile number and I will add you to the whatsapp group chat.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: John Stenhouse on January 02, 2018, 10:49:01 PM
Quote from: Nick Calne on January 02, 2018, 10:25:15 PM
Alan (and anyone else!) if you remain interested pm me a mobile number and I will add you to the whatsapp group chat.

Be afraid, very afraid. No that's not fair, just be ready for monumental levels of off topic shenanigans! How did T rex mate? That's the current burning question
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: JayDub on January 02, 2018, 11:00:50 PM
QuoteHow did T rex mate? That's the current burning question
well, Marc Bolan & Mickey Finn......
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on January 03, 2018, 12:17:38 AM
Excellent round up Mr C!  :eusa_clap Far more patience than I to read through & decant the Whatsapp shenanigans!  :icon_scratch:
Anyways as Nick said, stuff is happening, so let us know if the planets are in alignment & if anyone else is interested?  :^_^
Who knows, this could well be the 1st International TT trip? :icon_eek: So definitely not one to be missed!  :thumbsup
And as an added bonus, we may even find out how the great T Rex mated? (Rather unsuccessfully by all accounts! :*&*)
P.S. I guess this little adventure deserves it's own thread by now Mr Moderator?  :^_^
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: blacktiger on January 03, 2018, 02:18:43 PM
Quote from: mat-tiger1 on January 03, 2018, 12:17:38 AM
And as an added bonus, we may even find out how the great T Rex mated? (Rather unsuccessfully by all accounts! :*&*)

Yeah, they only managed it for 100 million years
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Bluesprint05 on January 04, 2018, 12:00:41 PM
Hi Guys

Looks like Nick has been working hard.

I was hoping to join you all for the Southern part of this trip but regrettably it will clash with another trip we have planned.

Anyway I will watch this thread incase anything changes.

Looking forward to seeing you all again, sometime.

Best Regards

Alan Wallington
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Nick Calne on January 04, 2018, 03:30:55 PM
Sorry to hear that Allan, next time though!

For those us that can make it.....

Just had a good chat with Sin Tiger regarding the route and the basic proposal for accommodation stops is as follows:

Day 0 - 26th May Sat
Get to Cairnryan from your home.  Accommodation tbc.

Day 1 - 27th May Sun
Cairnryan early ferry to Belfast for lunchtime, then up towards Port Rush on the North Coast.

Day 2 - 28th May Mon
Port Rush to Sligo

Day 3 - 29th May Tues
Sligo to Castlebar

Day 4 - 30th May Weds
Castlebar to Galway

Day 5 - 31st May Thu
Galway to Tralee

Day 6 - 1st June Fri
Tralee to Cork

Day 7 - 2nd June Sat
Cork to Rosslare to Fishguard

Day 8 - 3rd June Sun
Fishguard to Home

5 working days away and time to get home too.  (OK Geoff?)
4 days annual leave as there is a bank hol in the mix.
No long days
Plenty of time to ride around and investigate stuff and routes

Sintiger is trying to get an agent to arrange the bookings, so if you have any comments then please speak up asap.

Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: aesdj on January 06, 2018, 07:58:20 PM
Not been to a Tiger meet for the last couple of years and was definatly coming to this years but the Ireland trips not possiable for me (gutted, always wanted to go to Ireland). So for those that carnt make this is there plans to be the usual weekend meet?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: blacktiger on January 06, 2018, 09:12:11 PM
Quote from: aesdj on January 06, 2018, 07:58:20 PM
So for those that can't make this is there plans to be the usual weekend meet?

Yeah Jason, long time no see. I hope so. Did you have somewhere in mind?
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: Sin_Tiger on January 06, 2018, 09:25:53 PM
Hi Jason, good to hear from you, hope you're well. If there's an appetite for the more usual get together I don't see why not. I'm sure there'll be plenty of interested parties that can't make Ireland for caius reasons. Perhaps starting a new thread would be worthwhile.
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: mat-tiger1 on January 07, 2018, 09:51:23 AM
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on January 06, 2018, 09:25:53 PM
Hi Jason, good to hear from you, hope you're well. If there's an appetite for the more usual get together I don't see why not. I'm sure there'll be plenty of interested parties that can't make Ireland for caius reasons. Perhaps starting a new thread would be worthwhile.

I'd be up for that, dates permitting!  :thumbsup
Title: Re: Wherever next?
Post by: aesdj on January 07, 2018, 07:53:03 PM
Quote from: blacktiger on January 06, 2018, 09:12:11 PM
Yeah Jason, long time no see.
Quote from: Sin_Tiger on January 06, 2018, 09:25:53 PM
Hi Jason, good to hear from you, hope you're well.

All good here. I know it's been a while but I've moved house, gained a dog and umpteen other things that have got in the way of me coming but not this year. Didnt even put the bike on the road last year as I had grand plans to do loads of work on the outside of the house then it pretty much rained constant  :BangHead, not happy.Told the wife that this year, come hell or high water I'm coming. May have er in doors or the daughter with me but that's no bigi. Done as suggested and started a thread about who might fancy the usual weekend meet.
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