While hanging with LondonPhil last week (what fun and amazing people-I got the nickname drama queen, not sure why) :icon_redface: LP suggested I use a computer to find the best air/fuel mixture for my red steamer. After some research I found using an O2 sensor paired with a volt meter may work. Has anyone tried this way before or is it a fool's errand?
fools errand............................. :BangHead
but triumph sorta does it that way too .........
using a CO2 meter screwed in the bung hole of the exhaust headers ,one at a time , you set the air screws till 3 % for european models and 1 % for USA
you are in Utah ? correct?
EASY WAY ...............below
98 Steamer with Keihin carbs , stock airbox including capped right side snorkel?
at your elevation ....................100 main jets , 40 pilots , with air screws set at around 2 turns out
you should be spot on with those and run the idle at about 1400 rpm :love10
and then if theres a bog in the mid range between 4000-5000 rpm shim the needles up using some small washers from the hardware store that are about 1 mm thick should cure the bog .
and you should be seeing at least 40 mpg with that set up :nod
Ok. With aftermarket cans?
doesnt matter.....................aftermarket cans only make noise ! :wheel
As opposed to rust.....
What about a colour tune. :5moped