I want to change my speedo, mine is in KMH with a sticker on it which is difficult to read I have bought another but I cannot get the trip mileage knob off in the Haynes book it says remove the screw which I cannot even see, I had a bit of a prod with a jewelers screwdriver but it wont budge and I dont want to damage has anyone else managed to get the blighter undone?
Thanks in advance
Have a look at this:-
Sorry about the missing photos, wonder if they got lost during a previous upgrade.
There's a link in the "how to".
I'm surprised you've got KPH only scale, I've never seen that before but someone else has said the same. Do you mind posting a photo of that for others reference.
hello Thanks for that I thought that was the case I cannot shift the screw so I think I will have to drill it if I can get a drill in there My bike was originally sold in Germany and re imported to the UK I try and get a photo up later
Worth leaving it on it's side, at least overnight, with some penetrating oil, WD40 will dry out, so the fact that that it's gone doesn't mean it's soaked in.
Keep as much pressure on the screw as you can, I never figured out whether it was JIS, PH or PZ but at that size it won't make a great deal of difference. If you drill it, it might not be so easy finding a replacement, perhaps salvaged from an old PC or printer.
A left hand threaded bit with the drill turning ccw would be the best way to drill it if it comes to that. We swear by PB Blaster to loosen stuff here in the states.
A JIS will work on both JIS and Philips, but not the other way around. A bit of lapping compound or toothpaste on the tip will improve the purchase on the screwhead. A good rap on the screwdriver with a hammer will help it engage and hopefully not round out.
I've updated the missing photos in the How To post in case they may be of some help.
Hello again
I sprayed WD 40 down the Knob and left overnight and then used a Phillips jewelers screwdriver and it still would not budge then I gave the screwdriver a bit of a tap with a hap and that loosened it I changed the clocks over at the weekend.
I said I would add a picture of the KPH speedo
Thanks for the help
Yippee, job's a good un
Well done and thanks for posting that, it's the first time I've see one.