Hi, I have a 98 Tiger 900 changed plugs and coils also had carbs replaced and set up as apparently had the wrong carbs on it!! Problem I have now is surging/missing, it won't go over 80-85mph, it feels like something is pulling it back. You can feel like it wants to go but it won't go past that point! Can anyone help and point me in the right direction please!!?
I know I asked you already ,but is the right hand snorkel capped ? :bad
next is if it's surging more than likely the mains are wrong size .................
or could be maybe that the three carbs are out of synch .
#2 (center} is the master carb #1 & #3 have screws to adjust so that your vaccum is the same as the master .................
also tiggers like 100-105's for mains and #40 pilots if your stock . a can and k&n air filter you may need 42's
anything else is going to run bad ..................... :nod
a 98 runs pretty good with keihins with above main jets
oh and
Hi, thanks for the reply.
The right wasn't capped just the left, so I sealed up the right with tape but have been told since only one side needs to be, does it matter which?
As far as I'm aware everything was synced properly and everything is std, exhaust filters etc.
Maybe surging isn't the correct description, it gets to around 80mph and that's it but pulls really strongly all the way there.
Prior to changing the coils it struggled to get to 60 and was missing quite a bit but changing them made a big difference but still tops out around 80-85mph as if its being held back.
the right snorkel is the way it comes from factory , but it doesn't really matter .
only 1 needs to be open ,
steamers will pull a ton easily .................and then some .
my 95 has seen 140mph on the triumph speedo .
my 98 with 17/48 sprockets will pull a 110 / 115mph easy peasy
something aint right , you are going to have to pull the carbs and have a look see .
because the jetting aint right is my bet
what's the beast do at wide open throttle ...............fall on it's face until you roll off the juice a bit ?
I'm going to guess that it's the opposite and someones got way too big of mains in there .
also what carbs are on it , and what was on it ?
At wide open throttle in 6th it gets to around 85mph at that's it maybe 95 downhill!
I think I need to get hold of the guy who did the work for me and get him to look at it.
There's Mikuni on there now, think they were Kehin before but he said they weren't right for the bike that's why he changed them.
Somebody has mentioned the fuel filter, could that be an option?
Err, what was the reg of the bike?
Keihins are the correct ones for the 98, and are probably better for general fuel consumption, and overall running, but I think the Mikunis were better at putting Petrol into the engine.
I would also ensure the correct mounting rubbers between airbox and carbs are on, as they are different for either carb type.
I would have stuck with the Keihins
It's a 98 on an R, I think that's what
part of the problem was with the originals, the rubbers wouldn't fit properly and the bike wouldn't run properly with them on.
I've got a 98, they are definitely supposed to be keihins.
If it was me i'd get the keihins back, give them a good old blast through with carb cleaner, buy new carb to head rubbers and carb to airbox rubbers and get the carbs remounted on the new rubbers then see where you are.
The problem you may have with the mikunis is that they may not have been from a tiger originally - i think there were differences in the vacuum sliders that were used between the different 900 models (sprint/trophy/daytona/S3/tiger) and therefore your mikunis may not be suitable for the tiger anyway.
I think they were from a Tiger as were supplied by a local Triumph specialist but I'm no expert!!
Yeah via a local garage who knows his stuff.
So does it stop pulling at the same revs but in different gears? Or does it rev out ok in lower gears?
I'm guessing it stops pulling at about 6000rpm as that would be roughly 80mph in top.
..... .so I fixed it!! One of the snorkels had a piece of air filter foam stuffed in the end clogging it up, just took it out for a spin and noticed the difference straight away, pulled all the way up to 110 and felt like it still had more to give!! Thanks for your help and advice everyone. I was smiling and laughing to myself like an idiot inside my helmet!! 😂
Have you still got the keihins, if so clean them out and keep hold of them. The mikunis get problems with the emulsion tubes sometimes. the keihins are a bit more basic and don't seem to suffer many problems.
Also if you're interested http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,16484.0.html (http://www.tigertriple.com/forum/index.php/topic,16484.0.html)
Unfortunately not they were exchanged for the new ones.
Thanks for your help and advice Mustang. :wheel
I had a similar problem. I put a sock over the snorkel to keep the dirt out of the intake before an off road excursion (the guy at the shop said put a sock on it but probably not an old one from my sock drawer). Anyway, it ran terrible until I pulled over and took it off. I laughed like a mad man also.