Hey guys,
I have a raised edge on the outer surface of my rear brake rotor. Can the rotors be turned or are they too thin? The interweb has mixed results.
Check the minimum thickness stamped on the disc. But is it really worth it?
Also, the OE discs are prone to cracking, i would just bite the bullet, and avoid sintered pads as they eat the discs.
In Denver
What are sintered pads?
Quote from: bemusedinsojo on July 01, 2018, 05:28:14 PM
What are sintered pads?
Metallic compound, EBC and others call them HH pads.
Quote from: bemusedinsojo on July 01, 2018, 05:28:14 PM
What are sintered pads?
As Timbox said... As opposed to organic pads
Organic it is. And probably why I have a raised edge. I didn't have one before I put new pads on there last year. I'll try and ride the season out, then change everything over the winter.
Thanks for the help.
If you do replace have a look for an EBC Pro Lite disc, good quality, reasonably priced and much better than some of the other pattern parts out there.
Pattern discs seem to have a higher iron content, or just a lower quality alloy, the Kazumi rear I fitted in august was showing significant corrosion by December.
So I had to leave town before I finished mounting the rear tire. Someone with big feet accidentally kicked all the parts that were laid out in the order which I removed them all over the garage while dark :BangHead. Does anybody have pics that show correct order of spacers, etc? The manual I have is confusing. Plus my dad always said I couldn't take a coffee break without having to retrain me.
This bit?
Or this?
Or This.
I've got the whole parts list which I should scan in
This is the one that I can't figure:
The thing is-,I don't remember removing this part. But when I went to the shop to swap tires, as I was walking in the above part clattered across the floor. I can't figure if it fell off my rim or if it was someone else's. I can't seem to match it to any parts diagram.
Quote from: bemusedinsojo on July 02, 2018, 08:25:23 PM
The thing is-,I don't remember removing this part. But when I went to the shop to swap tires, as I was walking in the above part clattered across the floor. I can't figure if it fell off my rim or if it was someone else's. I can't seem to match it to any parts diagram.
I seem to recognise it as something similar fitted on my old 955 Tiger? Im sure it was the spacer that went inside the sprocket carrier on that bike
Quote from: Timbox2 on July 02, 2018, 08:41:10 PM
I seem to recognise it as something similar fitted on my old 955 Tiger? Im sure it was the spacer that went inside the sprocket carrier on that bike
OMG I'm an idiot. :icon_redface: after reading timbox's post I got to looking on the girly site and here it is http://s96.photobucket.com/user/graeme_graeme/media/Rear%20-%20%201.jpg.html. That is twice timbox saved my bacon. Geez I'm now open for some well deserved razzing. Thanks all for help.
Now I'm confused... This the steamer section, but that's not a steamer wheel :icon_scratch:
It goes inside the hub
Between the sprocket carrier bearing and the wheel bearing
Quote from: JayDub on July 02, 2018, 11:33:23 PM
Now I'm confused... This the steamer section, but that's not a steamer wheel :icon_scratch:
Yeah it's a steamer but the 955 has the same piece inside.
Quote from: JayDub on July 02, 2018, 05:19:09 PM
Pattern discs seem to have a higher iron content, or just a lower quality alloy, the Kazumi rear I fitted in august was showing significant corrosion by December.
The EBC's seem to be much better quality than most pattern disks, as good as OEM I would say.