
Tiger Time => Girly Talk (1999 - 2006 Tigers) => Electrickery => Topic started by: Bigyam on August 09, 2018, 05:08:33 PM

Title: voltmeter woes
Post by: Bigyam on August 09, 2018, 05:08:33 PM
Hi everyone,  Can anyone think of a reason why fitting a voltmeter to my Girly would mess the tickover up, i fitted a digital voltmeter & took the power from the horn & also earthed it to the horn mount ! Worked ok at 1st, then later that night i'm sure i felt it miss a beat twice ! The following morning i started her up & she didn't rev high as usual just ticked over very low for a few seconds then cut out ! this continued for about half an hour stalling at every junction. so i stopped and pulled the wires off to see if it was that but it seemed no different until i restarted it and it seemed back to normal  ! Just  been out & started her again & all is well ! I will wait a few hours for her to cool & connect the voltmeter again & see what happens ! I also dropped the oil & changed the filter too at the same time ! has any of you electric wizzards any ideas ????
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Tiger-G on August 16, 2018, 03:36:00 PM
Hi mate,

I'm rubbish with electrics, just wanted to point out what you probably already know ?? If you wire your voltmeter to anywhere other than directly to the battery, you won't get a true reading. I suppose if you put a multimeter on the battery you will be able to see the difference between the two voltages, and be able to compensate the drop ?? Not a criticism, just trying to help. I've just wired a voltmeter in to the battery, through a relay triggered from the switched live on the tail light wires. A bit more hassle with the wiring, but always get a true reading.

Hopefully, someone will be along to help with the tick over problems, but I can't see how tapping in to the horn would be an issue ?? Sounds more like a IACV problem ??

Good luck getting it sorted  :icon_biggrin:

Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: London_Phil on August 16, 2018, 04:02:33 PM
Quote from: Bigyam on August 09, 2018, 05:08:33 PM
Hi everyone,  Can anyone think of a reason why fitting a voltmeter to my Girly would mess the tickover up, i fitted a digital voltmeter & took the power from the horn & also earthed it to the horn mount ! Worked ok at 1st, then later that night i'm sure i felt it miss a beat twice ! The following morning i started her up & she didn't rev high as usual just ticked over very low for a few seconds then cut out ! this continued for about half an hour stalling at every junction. so i stopped and pulled the wires off to see if it was that but it seemed no different until i restarted it and it seemed back to normal  ! Just  been out & started her again & all is well ! I will wait a few hours for her to cool & connect the voltmeter again & see what happens ! I also dropped the oil & changed the filter too at the same time ! has any of you electric wizzards any ideas ????

So you fitted a volt meter, AND did an oil and filter change at the same time, then assumed the voltmeter was the cause?
Unless you have inadvertently created an intermittent short on the wiring, I would be surprised if a digital voltmeter had any effect on engine running.
I suspect problem lies elsewhere.
What was voltage reading?, did you perhaps drain the battery?, I think those bikes are very susceptible to voltage for the ecu.
Any chance you've disturbed something whilst fettling?
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Bigyam on August 17, 2018, 09:17:45 PM
Thanks for the replies, I don't think i disturbed anything during fitting that's why i went for the horn route so i didn't have to take the tank off ,  after unplugging it it seemed to start as normal ! I will hopefully try a ride tomorrow to see what happens ! i will have to try the relay method !  the reading i was getting was around 13.8 v with the lights on.
Once again Thanks
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Tiger-G on August 18, 2018, 11:49:11 AM
If you do decide to wire it directly to the battery via a relay, here's a wiring diagram for you to follow. Copyright by DEcosse:

Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Bigyam on August 18, 2018, 10:19:47 PM
So today things got worse !  Started her up this morning & everything seemed great (Voltmeter not connected), revved up high at cold start, simmered down to tick over , set off for a bimble called in at fuel station, filled her up & stupidly put a tot of redex in the tank nowhere near the amount suggested on the bottle though ! i thought it might need a clean inside the injectors, what harm can it do i thought,! anyway i set off got on the open road gave her full throttle and she bogged down and the engine management light came on !  managed to get her home (Just) it seems as though it is fuel starvation, it starts & ticks over but as soon as you rev it it cuts out ? I have zero experience with fuel injection systems but if it had been a carb i would look at the float chamber needle jet or float height, as it seems to be fuel starved !
any ideas ?
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Chris Canning on August 18, 2018, 10:43:40 PM
Could be a anything

Is the breather pipe clear if your happy it's good,how many miles has the bike done when was the fuel filter done.

After that it's under the tank.

Has it been running ok before?
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Tiger-G on August 18, 2018, 11:25:57 PM
If you're anywhere near the north east, let me know, and we can try to get together to check your fault codes on TuneECU  :icon_wink:
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Bigyam on August 19, 2018, 12:35:13 AM
Hi, thanks for the offer Tiger-G, but i'm down i east mids  ! think i will have to get a cable & tune ECU !
the bike is a 2001 28k miles, breather pipe is clear i did it a few months ago ! was running great till i fitted the voltmeter and dropped the oil +  oil filter ! as far as i am aware fuel filter has not been done ! there was fuel in the pipes when i took the tank off tonight but that's as far as i got today ! i will have the air box off tomorrow & have a more in depth look .Once again Thanks
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Chris Canning on August 19, 2018, 12:58:51 PM
There are few bikes you can say this about but the 955 Tiger has very few skeletons in the cupboard so for it to just go belly up is pretty unusual,if you can get your head around Tune ECU which for a carb man will take some doing then that will be the way to go,just be careful with the stepper motor because if that goes boing then you'll be in a world of pain.

Re the vent pipe i'd Have just ridden it with cap open.
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Bigyam on August 19, 2018, 01:36:00 PM
Yep tried that Chris i'm thinking fuel filter ? just got the injectors out they were a it gungy like dried emulsion ! just trying to figure out the square clips that hold the injectors to the rail out put them on the way i thought i'd taken em off but the plug wont go back on now ! :icon_frown:
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Bigyam on April 30, 2019, 07:46:23 PM
Update >>> It's a few months on now & after fitting a new fuel filter etc it turned out to be the throttle position sensor all well now !
Title: Re: voltmeter woes
Post by: Tiger-G on May 02, 2019, 11:31:19 AM
Quote from: Bigyam on April 30, 2019, 07:46:23 PM
Update >>> It's a few months on now & after fitting a new fuel filter etc it turned out to be the throttle position sensor all well now !

Good stuff, glad you got it sorted.......ready for summer !!  :icon_wink:
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