Greetings from western Canada. :icon_scratch: I have a small leak in my water pump, most likely the O-ring/seal that separates the impeller shaft from outside. Not a serious issue, only enough to stain the pump & baby a drop on the garage floor after a long ride. In the parts list it's a one piece unit (but we all know better don't we?). Topping water only monthly if at all. Just wondering if anyone has ever tried to remove/replace the impeller successfully? I have a spare, also leaking a bit, to test if I can get inside it
Ken / Fishnbiker
Funny thing is the original workshop manual talks about inspecting shaft, bearings, impeller etc and replacing if necessary, maybe they meant replace with complete pump?
Link here to a Triumph Rat thread about the same, he seemed to think you might destroy the pump trying to press the impeller shaft out?
Probably pump housing seal? Buy on ebay.
Interesting what the post in Triumphrat (post 6) says about using motorcycle specific coolant and not using automotive (I read this as car) coolant.
A little research suggests Propylene glycol is best to use for bikes rather than ethylene glycol. Been playing with both bikes & cars for many years & never heard of that.
Me neither, always stick the cheap blue stuff from Eurocarparts in mine and it seems to be fine.
Blue stuff, changed at least every two years..
Thanks for the input. I may have an engine builder friend look into pulling the impeller on my leaking spare, to see if there are replaceable seals inside. TTFN.