Quick question,
a few months ago i had new pad put on the steamer, all around.
the last couple of days as i brake at the end of the braking its as if the brakes are grinding as the bike comes to a stop.
I have checked the pads and they are not worn, anybody able to shed some light on whats going on?
Three possibilities come to mind, in order of likelihood:
1- new pads are a harder compound than your last set, or one of them has a hard spot
2- discs have some surface rust from sitting, which you hear being ground away when you come to a stop
3- some dirt or road debris has gotten between the pad and disc surface, or one of the pads was contaminated during installation.
I have exactly the same thing are they EBC HH pads?
I have the same issue on my 900 Sprint with EBC HH pads, seems a common problem in the Sprint forums, some guys give their discs a rub over with fine wet n dry and that seems to help a little. I tried ceramic and organic pads but they didnt have the same braking power so went back to HH and put up with the juddering as I come to a stop, which isnt there all the time for some reason.
HH sintered? Quickest way to destroy your discs!