
Tiger Time => Girly Talk (1999 - 2006 Tigers) => ECU and Fuel Injection => Topic started by: Lucifer955i on April 25, 2019, 07:42:48 PM

Title: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Lucifer955i on April 25, 2019, 07:42:48 PM
Ok so I recently had an issue with a constant wiff of petrol and poor mileage to the tank full. This was rectified by trimming the hoses that run from the front of the tank to the rear and replacing the fuel filter.
As the tank had to come off I decided to give the bike a service as you do.

Pre Service Setup
04 Mag Wheel Tiger 955i Vin 209800, standard air filter, Delkavic exhaust (baffles in) and Platinum plugs. The IACV was reading -12 to -15 at the time of the service with Map 10173 (10071) for Tigers Vin 206547.

Post Service Setup
Still the same bike, K&N Air Filter, Delkavic Exhaust (baffles out, everyone appears to be going loud this year) Standard NGK Plugs (Seriously thinking I should of forked out for Platinum Though) Map10173(10071)TORAFMOD for Tigers VIN 206547, new Thermostat, Rad Cap and Coolant.

Initialy I had several attempts at performing an adaption but was unsucssessful IACV reading  -12 to -15. I then tried the 15 minute reset out of desperation. Nothing nada no change, so I replaced the tube that runs from the ecu to the air box as I read they can split etc and got a barometric reading of 1000, I'm sure it used to be higher.

Then I got invited on a rideout so I filled up with petrol and went on a 140mile jolly around the local lanes, after around and hour or two the exhaust started to pop and gurgle on de-acceleration so I figured the ECU was trimming up (leaning off) the fueling without my intervention. The engine was running well, making lovely noises from the exhaust without any issues except in 2nd and 3rd gear, if the revs dropped below 3000rpm and I gave it a handfull it would bog down before picking up again and basically going like a cat with it's backside on fire. At that time I was thinking if I had got the platinum plugs would it be bogging down now?

Anyhow after returning from the rideout I let the engine cool down and noticed my exhaust had become discoloured, which after an episode of Jay Leno's garage a few nights before, I was lead to believe is an indication of bad fueling, so I connected up the laptop and had an IACV of -18. PANIC STATIONS!
So I started the bike up and just let it idle till it was up to temp (fan on then off) then I turned the ignition on and off a couple of times and let it run for half an hour. IVAC down to -14.

From what I've read I am aware my IVAC is messed up but do not know what to do next?

Also when trying an adaption I have the bike on centre stand, temp between 80- 100C, side stand up, don't touch the clutch or throttle for 30 seconds then blip throttle to 3000rpm. But cannot get IAVC out of the negatives!

Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Lucifer955i on April 26, 2019, 12:12:49 AM
Also are ivac positive numbers rich and negative lean or the other way round or have I just got it all wrong?
Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Chris Canning on April 26, 2019, 08:16:56 AM
You lost me with the pipes that run from the front of the tank to the rear??? Never mind the rest

You sure you put it back together alright?

Numbers mean nothing compared to others i've Seen bikes with totally different numbers from mine and they run fine,you explanation of how the bike is running is basic at least if the bike is ticking over there's little wrong with the Stepper.

How was the bike running before you touched it? Why are you tinkering with it? Because you saw a program on tv?
Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: mark4 on April 26, 2019, 10:56:20 AM
Agreed, I wouldn't get too hung up on the IACV or platinum plugs or popping exhaust, you've had it apart, changed a few things and it's not right. It sounds like a physical problem to me, so I would check plugs are in ok, all connections are good and that type of thing, and then if that doesn't work maybe go back to the original configuration (if you have the old air filter/plugs) with the old map...if that then rides ok you have somewhere to start from...long winded I know, but these things can be..
Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Lucifer955i on April 26, 2019, 12:37:24 PM
Quote from: Chris Canning on April 26, 2019, 08:16:56 AM
You lost me with the pipes that run from the front of the tank to the rear??? Never mind the rest

You sure you put it back together alright?

Numbers mean nothing compared to others i've Seen bikes with totally different numbers from mine and they run fine,you explanation of how the bike is running is basic at least if the bike is ticking over there's little wrong with the Stepper.

How was the bike running before you touched it? Why are you tinkering with it? Because you saw a program on tv?

No as I said in original post there was a constant wiff of petrol and fuel economy was down to 33mpg at one point. And the bike was also due a service else I would have left it alone

After removing the Heed crash bars in order to remove the tank, which was a complete PITA, I was able to examine the tank. There is a pipe on each side of the underside of the tank that links the front of the tank to the rear of the tank, apparently this assists in shifting petrol from the front to the fuel pump at the rear.
I found that petrol was weeping out of the connections where the rubber had perished. I trimmed the pipe back 10mm at each end and replaced them with new clips.

While the tank was off I serviced the engine, Oil, Oil Filter, Petrol Filter (as tank was empty), Air Filter (K&N), New Plugs, fuel level sender unit and replaced the pipe that runs from the Air filter box to the ECU. 
Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Lucifer955i on April 26, 2019, 01:25:04 PM
Quote from: mark4 on April 26, 2019, 10:56:20 AM
Agreed, I wouldn't get too hung up on the IACV or platinum plugs or popping exhaust, you've had it apart, changed a few things and it's not right. It sounds like a physical problem to me, so I would check plugs are in ok, all connections are good and that type of thing, and then if that doesn't work maybe go back to the original configuration (if you have the old air filter/plugs) with the old map...if that then rides ok you have somewhere to start from...long winded I know, but these things can be..

The reason i'm getting hung up on the IACV number -18 is because at -19 it is recommended you change to the correct map. The bike starts and runs fine cold, didn't start poping until it had been ridden quite hard for a couple of hours, which I assumed at the time was the ECU trimming the map, leaning off. When the engine is warm its a bit more difficult to start and I get  lag when accerating if the revs drop below 2500-3000rpm, but other than that it dosen't miss a beat. My concern is that it is running too hot/lean indicated by the exhaust pipe discolouration, which could be causing unnecassary damage to the engine that can't be seen till something goes bang. I am unable to get an adaption to reset the values so I can at least start with default settings.
The filters have gone in the bin, but I still have the original plugs, although I think the issue is related to the K&N and ECU, was hoping the TORaf map would compensate for the extra air. I must add the air filter box is standard except for the K&N no extra holes and 99% positive its seated correctly.

However last night I read a more precise adaption technique on this site, where I realised the blipping of the throttle every 30 seconds needs to be done 10 times. Think I've been a bit conservative on that possibly stopping at three or four blips.

So that is my first priority to reset the values in the ECU and see what happens before taking things apart again, as my body is knackered and bending over the bike kills me for days afterwards.

Ideally I just want to ride :-)
Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: mark4 on April 26, 2019, 02:03:17 PM
Am I correct in thinking you have not changed the map, it was 10173 before and after the service? If so, just wondering if it was running slightly rich before when you had standard air filter and baffles in. Either way, it's difficult without being there...I'd be tempted to reflash the 10173 and then do the adaptation for your model which I think (may be wrong) is just get it up to temperature, leave 30 secs and blip to 3000rpm.

Then you've kind of ruled out any map issues. But I see you've also changed the fuel level sender. I'm assuming that means a lot of fuel tank fiddling, so you could have stirred up some low lying water or sediment in the tank...I don't know...

There's so much it could be, but I guess 1 least physical first option is remapping the 10173 with a fresh copy and doing the adaptation.
Good luck. :)

Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Lucifer955i on April 26, 2019, 04:01:00 PM
Quote from: mark4 on April 26, 2019, 02:03:17 PM
Am I correct in thinking you have not changed the map, it was 10173 before and after the service? If so, just wondering if it was running slightly rich before when you had standard air filter and baffles in. Either way, it's difficult without being there...I'd be tempted to reflash the 10173 and then do the adaptation for your model which I think (may be wrong) is just get it up to temperature, leave 30 secs and blip to 3000rpm.

Then you've kind of ruled out any map issues. But I see you've also changed the fuel level sender. I'm assuming that means a lot of fuel tank fiddling, so you could have stirred up some low lying water or sediment in the tank...I don't know...

There's so much it could be, but I guess 1 least physical first option is remapping the 10173 with a fresh copy and doing the adaptation.
Good luck. :)


I've finally managed to perform an adaption the IACV is now reading 48, so need to ride for a while and see how it goes. Few!

The original map was 10173 description 955i Tiger from VIN 206547 for use with aftermarket pipe, Modified A/F Tables Converted to 10173TuneAF.hex May 12, 2010
However when I looked at map info in Tune ECU it kept coming up with this info:

Map:10173 (10071) Tiger 955 from VIN 124106 to 206546 Aftermarket Silencer.

No matter how many times I flashed it it came up with the same information.

I then found the current map: 10173TORAFMOD.hex with the information 10173 (10071) Tiger 955 from VIN 206547, Aftermarket exhaust.

Once this was flashed I confirmed the map information was correct, but I was unable to get an adaption to take place, basically because I was doing it wrong! So the IACV was I thought stuck at -18.

My concern was that all the trims that had been made, were done so with a stock air filter and baffles in. Now however the baffles were out and a K&N filter in and therefore the bike could be running a bit lean.

Having finally completed an adaption, the map can now be trimmed from default with an engine that can breathe easier with the K&N filter and no baffles, and therefore I assume the correct fuelling.

I have no evidence that this will be the case, other than the discolouration of the exhaust link pipe, difficulty in starting when warm and like a flat spot under 3000rpm mostly in 2nd and 3rd. All of which were not present before I fettled.

Unfortunately, I won't get out today, the weather is expected to be pants tomorrow, so looking like Sunday or Monday before I can log some miles and then check the numbers.

Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Lucifer955i on April 28, 2019, 11:13:53 PM
Well since the adaption, I took the bike for a 140 mile jolly, engine running really smooth and the throttle was responsive, engine sounded good too. Had a couple of instances where it bogged down, but on the whole a good ride. Hooked up to tune ecu when I got home and the IACV was back in negative numbers -13 which if bad its not as bad as -18 so I'm going to leave it for now.

Thanks for the advice to everyone.
Title: Re: Oh god what have I Done Now IVAC -18
Post by: Bixxer Bob on November 15, 2020, 08:02:55 PM
I used to find mine was happy somewhere between -11 and -17.

You can change the value (or at least you could, I've not had a Girly for 4 yrs) in Tune ECU .  The way to do it is to warm it up, then change the value one at a time.  You are looking for an optimum between it bogging when the throttle is blipped and excessive popping as the revs die. 
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