After having my '95 Tiger apart for 2 weeks, thankfully it was rainy so I didn't miss out on too much riding, it is back together and running!
Valves were not too bad out of spec, however ONE was a-lot out of spec.
Apparently thinner than 25mmx2.30mm shims do not exists in Missouri! :BangHead
I ended up having to get a 2.55mm shim surface ground to 2.20mm - :sign13
Everything is in spec now, test started at 11.30pm and took the 7 mile test ride to work this morning :wheel
Engine is quieter and I'm good for another 10K miles!
Not a difficult job, took some time, but totally doable by someone who's mechanically inclined.
Look at a lot of posts on how to do this BEFORE you start and you'll be set!
No valve spring tool was used, loosen the cam caps and slip out the shims.