In my tinkering/maintenance of my Tiger I repeatedly have to ratchet strap my tank to get the tank's holes to line up with the frame so I can insert the mounting bolts.
Has anyone else had to do this? It seems like my fuel tank, while off, gets bigger and the holes don't just line up for me.
Luckily the HEED crash bars are a great location for the ratchet strap to be attached.
that is caused by the ethanol in our shitty fuel infiltrating the nylon tank material and causing it to swell. I installed a Caswell tank sealing kit after I left it empty and let it dry out and shrink back to shape, and it has been perfect since.
This is good to know!
I am currently running NON ethanol fuel - only available at one pump in town tho.
I will dry and line the tank, thanks!
I ordered the tank sealer to seal the tank while I do this:
mine has done this too, roughly how long do they take to dry out, I use my bike every day and I was wondering how long I would have to do without it?
Mine was off for a while as I waited to have it welded. Sorry, don't know, but having a fan blowing into the filler may accelerate the process.
Take mine off over winter. Drain fuel ( tip into car ) Then store in spare room over winter. Put some tank sealant in a while ago. I was plesantly surprised how easy it was.
The only downside is that screwholes line up so well that the bolts like to work loose since they no longer have any side pressure on them from misalignment. I put some blue hylomar on my threads to increase their purchase, but I still have 2 that I have to snug up every now and then.
My tank sealer arrived.
My tank has been off for a week with several hot sunny days of it sitting in the yard evaporating/drying.
I now need to do the screw shaking, roughing up the interior, rinse, dry and then seal.
@ssevy - what tank prep did you do for sealing your tank?
Caswell. The tank is made of nylon, and so far, so good.
That's what I ordered - did you do the "shake drywall screws around in the tank" for good adhesion step?
If so, what does one then rinse it out with?
Nope. Just applied it and spent lots of time randomly turning it on my lap to distribute the sealer well.
@ssevy - pls advise, what steps did you do for your tank sealing? Specifically, what/how did you seal the filler, petcock & low fuel sensor? Thx!
What I I did was taped the low fuel sensor, the sensor part with masking tape. I had an old petcock so just screwed that in tipped sealant in, used masking tape over filler hole. And turned and shook tank. Unscrew old petcock and low fuel sensor and let it drain out into a suitable container. Don't try to drain it from the filler neck, as there's a lip.
Interesting to see how this goes? When I looked into sealing my tank a while back,there wasn't much available for nylon? Only an aerospace product from 3m's?? Most were for metal.
How long ago Three pot. I nearly put some stuff from rust buster in.
Could have been a desaster. Mm :5moped
WELLL - I trimmed down the rubber mounting tabs and was able to easily re-install my tank.
I decided to wait on the CASWELL lining until I needed it as I am not sure of the longevity and Steamers are a rare breed here in the USA = $$$ pricey parts.
I will shelf the tank sealer until needed.
Good luck everyone else!