Just an update here, guys! I had to put things on hold for a bit due to winter and a new baby, but I'm finally back at trying to resurrect the beast. I finished installing the K&N pods and rejetting the carbs (42 pilots and 138 mains with 2.5 turns on the air screws), and the thing seems to run excellent! It goes from 0-80 MPH lickety-split, acceleration appears linear, and I didn't get any discernible backfiring whilst decelerating or coasting. With all the headaches others have had trying to fit pod filters to their bikes, is it truly possible for a guy to experience such dumb luck?
I know I should probably pull plugs and check their color to determine whether air/fuel ratios are as spot-on as I think they are, but the cursory test ride sure seems to indicate they are. I'm hoping to ride the thing a few thousand miles (if that) this summer and wait to do valves until I'm holed up this winter. Valves were last done at 15k mile service and the bike is now at 44k.
Nice work. Yes, I believe its possible. I once won the "guess how many grains of wheat in the beer glass" competition at Nyngan school fete. So anything is possible. Look forward to the updates.
I just installed a new OEM airbox. The entire time I was cursing at the designer, wishing pods would work. Thanks for being the Guinea pig and making it work. When you pull the plugs let us know how the plugs look. Are you concerned about water getting in the pods? It doesn't rain here a whole lot but when it does it dumps, which worries me that water will get sucked in.
Happy to be of service! I'd love to be able to say I did it for the good of Steamer-kind, but I must admit... I had selfish motivations: the thought of putting the stock air box back on turned my stomach!
Exhaust tips are the right color; requires choke on start-up; runs with no back-firing or stumbling... a plug check ought to confirm my suspicions.
Regarding concerns over water... I'll probably eventually make an aluminum canopy that will offer some protection. For now, I'll just avoid the rain as best I can!