How do i tell if i have an "alternator case cover engine" or not?
The Triumph manual has different head bolt torques for each engine. 35nm for the alternator case cover and 27mm for the non-alternator case cover.
I only want to do this once! Please help!
Here is my engine.
You ain't got one , it's a USA MODEL
The 1st USA model was a 95 and the covers were gone by then
It's just my opinion here, but if I were you, I'd simply snug those bolts up-- maybe use some blue Locktite on the threads. I can certainly see following torque specs for crucial engine components (heads, connecting rod caps, etc.) but I feel manufacturers often call for fasteners to be unnecessarily tight. Again, this is just my opinion (and it may be an unpopular one at that), but I've stripped bolts more than once in following the manual's recommendations. Yes, my torque wrench is quality and calibrated correctly.
I got the TTY head bolts torqued and then turned the additional 90* w/o incident.
Cams times, triple checked valve shims and reshimmed some, installed spark plugs and the valve cover too.
I am having trouble getting the engine mounting bolt holes to line up tho. Thats all for today.