Has been sitting a long time. I finally got it running but bogs out under load. I'm only testing in neutral because the clutch plates are stuck together but that's the next project after the engine is sorted. We're going to try spark plugs first then from what I've read here coils next if the plugs don't fix it. Any other ideas, helpful comments?
That seems a sensible start.
The pilot jet circuit is plugged up in the carbs .
Needs a good carb cleaning that involves disassembling
Trust me ...
Mikunis suck on a steamer after they been sitting for long periods of time.
I second Mustang's assertion.
When I purchased my '98, it wouldn't idle worth a darn. I found one of the pilot jets to be completely clogged... and I never used gas containing ethanol ever again!
So I replace the spark plugs and it runs much better when loaded but still Boggs with wide open throttle. The carbs are super clean and pilot jets are #40s and brand new. It starts and idles great off idle and slow throttle response to 8000 rpm is good but opened to quick and it will just bog out. Adding choke doesn't really help much. At this point I'm thinking coils or partly plugged exhaust cats. I agree California gas sucks. I'm also sorting out a stuck clutch ( won't disengage)
Is the right hand snorkel capped off or open ?
It needs the cap over it or it gets too much air and runs very lean on the main jet .
Sounds like its uncapped and that's exactly how it will run
Your right! The right snorkel was unplugged. Runs good now. Let warm up through two radiator cycles and the clutch is now working also shifting back and fourth from first and second gear and now the neutral light is working. I had it jumped to ground because triumph thought it was a good idea to kill the ignition without it. It will just crank for ever.
Almost there, just sort out fuel tap, hoses and vent lines. Thanks for all the help! :wings
Funny how an open righthand snorkel can cause so much grief :icon_rolleyes: