Many many moons ago, there was a discussion about upgrading the Tiger's alternator from one off a Kawasaki Concours. I came across one of these & would like to install it due to the extra wattage being available; 400w vs. 280w.
However, I find that the alternators have differing driven (sprocket) splines & may not work without changing over the Triumph one onto the Kawasaki alternator. There is a single bolt holding it on, but it won't come loose after removing the bolt. Any suggestions on how to proceed?
Thanks, Ken
I remember seeing something on the rat site about that when I was considering such a change on my Legend. There was some filing involved to fit it, and it was a pretty crude looking install. I wonder if any electronics shops can rebuild our factory ones with more turns of copper for more output?
Voltage output is just one of the cool things a newer model year would bring, but none of them look as good as a Steamer, so that's a no for me :icon_wink:
Somehow I goofed & had to add the photo on a second posting. Will continue there.
These 2 alternators are identical but for the Cush drive sprockets. Just trying to find how to swap that one part.
Thanks, Ken
How about a couple of photos to compare.