I've noticed a ticking with my 1996 Tiger 885. Opened up and checked the valves, 3 exhaust and one inlet are out of spec. But all are .01 mm on the high side (ex .21 when spec is .15-.20). I have new shims to put in but would this account for ticking? I would think tight valves would do this.
The ticking is not really audible at idle but at higher speeds it can be heard and seems to wane in and out consistently.
I've read that maybe it's the cam chain tensioner. Is there any way to check this? Looking at the chain with the valve cover off it has slight give to it.
I've had slightly hard starting when warm. Which from what I've read is from tight valves, not what I have. This could be unrelated and just my carbs needing to be cleaning after a 13000 mile road trip.
Also, while I'm here. Do I need to swap shims? Everything was in spec 13000 miles ago. I got .5 increments so the ones I adjust will be on the bottom end of in spec after swapping
Cam chain should be taught. Tensioner spring should be 74mm (73.7) free length, preload with washers if needed. Sprint Manufacturing sells a tensioner spring on Ebay. Check the service manual for the tensioner spring measurement procedure but basically turn to tdc, wedge the tensioner blade on the left side to maintain chain tension and remove the large nut and spring Also make sure your drive chain rubbing block is still there.
I had a similar issue with my 94 Tiger. After checking cam chain tensioner, etc noise was still there.
Eventually traced to the sprocket on the cam - bolts had come very slightly loose and cam sprocket was chattering at certain revs. Loctite & correct torque cured what sounded a very expensive noise !
Worth checking !