Hi all
Just did my first long trip on my steamer and the side stand is bending further and further - the weight of me and the luggage is pushing it past the point of no return. Does the 955 stand fit, or is there a way to get a stronger one? I have climbed on my KTM for years without hurting the stand but the Steamer one seems to be made of low grade steel and bends easily? Any fixes or suggestions most welcome.
It's a common issue, and I don't think the 955 one fits, but a lot of us had some supports welded to the existing.
Hi Phil. I think the standard stand is too short, giving it too much pressure. When I flipped the chain adjuster (documented here somewhere, probably by mustang) and dropped the forks 25mm in the yolks, the stand length was perfect and has been for years. Please take from this what you will and all the best.
My 1995 is long gone, but with a foot and a brace the oem side stand did fine..Might have a piccy somewhere..
From the Steamer Facebook page its said to be a straight swap. https://www.facebook.com/groups/824051841083961/search/?q=955%20side%20stand
The only thing I would add is the pad area is tiny. I once arrived at a Rally in a wet field, and had to wait on my Steamer until someone came to see if I was OK, as the stand disappeared straight into the grass. I made myself a foot for my stand after that, which also helped with the angle..
Best I could find, showing support bar and foot..Sidestand.jpg
Quote from: London_Phil on April 15, 2024, 04:07:50 PMThe only thing I would add is the pad area is tiny. I once arrived at a Rally in a wet field, and had to wait on my Steamer until someone came to see if I was OK, as the stand disappeared straight into the grass. I made myself a foot for my stand after that, which also helped with the angle..
:>< :iagree My stand (original) was modified by the previous owner with an extension and larger foot. I did need to put a bushing in the hole to fix the wobble. For some of my other bikes I carry a pad to throw under.
I once had a VFR750 bury itself into soft heatsoaked tarmac, went for drinks and when I got back barely got the thing out :rfl
+1 on the pad, she is one heavy mother.
I drilled and installed a new sleeve bushing in the pivot on mine, and it helped some. There is a thread with photos in the repair section that I posted a while ago. I also bought a hockey puck and drilled a hole through it and attached a line to it. The line has a loop on the other end which goes over my handlebar when parked to remind me the puck is under my sidestand. I keep it in my tank bag and use it when I am on softer ground or want the bike to be more upright if the only available parking spot is not level.