I got my old 96 Steamer from my father 3 years ago and I've been fixing/servicing the old bike but still have lot's left to do.
I've been reading every single post here over the last 2 months and I appreciate all the information over the last 17 years! Huge wealth of knowledge here.
I'm really curious if anyone here has any Steamers in Canada besides me?
Looking forward to any new information that'll be shared here. :)
I miss my Steamer, except for the Carbs....
Good to have you here. And no worries about posting info twice, as it has pictures of a steamer! ;)
Good on ya, mate. Beautiful pic, too. Welcome.
Fishnbiker here on Vancouver Island, left side of the map. Got my 1995 with 18,xxx km on it early 1997. Now has 132,xxx + km with over half that on gravel roads.The first photo had me almost riding over a pile of Black Bear poop, as though that would make any difference to the dirt level of my "FELIX".
Now there is an adventure. :)