Help, I know briefly that this is a common issue with steamers. I have a 1995 tiger, which I've owned for a few months. The bike has been performing fine for 30 miles one way commutes, but this weekend I rode it for about 80 miles, and then I started to have problems. The bike started to feel like it was running weak, probably on two cylinders and then I started to get some smoke. Pulled over and saw melted red plastic stringing down from one of the coils. Decided to try to get to a better location and finally it smoked up and now there's no power getting to the starter.
Is it just the coil? Do I replace it with another triumph part, or is there an aftermarket company to make sure this problem doesn't occur again.
Any help is greatly appreciated.........
You should have 2 coils, I wouldent think them melting would cause power loss to the starter. You may have blown a or some fuses in the process though. Typically heat in wiring is related to massive resistance(dirty connections) last I had my tiger apart there were several points I coated with dielectric silicone/grease and tightened the terminals up. When you dig into it you should check everything over good. If you live in a foggy and wet climate it will really help out. Just my $.02 worth. BTW I have a 97.
Ok, so I unconnected the two wires to the coil that melted and the bike now starts fine, just running on two cylinders.
So aftermarket wise, Dyna, Nology, Accel, MSD. Any recommendations, what's the ohms rating for the tiger (steamer).
Also, would coils from another more recent model work? Possilby post issue with meltdown..........
No comments? From what I understand, coils melting is quite a common issue with triumphs..............
Now ya got me paranoid, I wasent aware of a coil problem on them. Nothin like being on the road 500 miles from home and having meltdown. I know an aftermarket unit is fittable, I just dont know which. There are so many to be had from various mfgs. Let me do some digging and see what I can come up with. In the mean while Id contact the likes of Jack Lilley and see what they say.
I looked up Dyna coils and found several options that probably would work. You most likely would have to make new mounts. If you need I have a service manual with the coil ohm values. Let us know.
before replacing the damaged one with a new ne you need to find out why it overheated in the first place. Check to see if you have an overcharging fault.
My steamer had similar problems. It would run until hot then stop dead. You have to replace the coils and the pickup. Replace them as a set from Triumph.