I did a search and came up empty (for some reason) on the subject. I have a 97 tiger with now 18.5K miles. Went for a 150 mile ride friday and went to move it today and I can barely roll her, and im 250LBS. the front brakes are locked up and from what Ive read the calipers are to blame. What to do?? new units? aftermarket?at what cost? are stockers still avaliable? I really dont look froward to this again on a 500 mile ride to nowhere or having them lock up at 75mph. I need some seroius sollutions please.
Thank you.
Sounds like they are binding. Whip 'em off, pull the pads and scrub the pistons with an old toothbrush (or a new one if you promise not to clean your teeth with it afterwards) and brake cleaner. Work the pistons in and out a few times while being careful not to push them right out and give them a good clean. That should do it for a little bit, but they may need overhauling properly.
Don't worry about it happening on the move - it won't be a problem - but do get it looked at or you will start eating pads, discs, petrol and the calipers themselves.
My brakes were binding regularly - 6 winters of minimal attention did to that. Just had the whole lot overhauled by my dealer - new pistons and seals all round. It's like having a new bike all over again!
I've read about this being an issue with Steamers...knock on wood I haven't had the issue yet.
There's always upgrading to Beringers - I'd love to hear how they hold up to mud/salt. Too bad I could buy another bike for what they cost. :shock:
Let us know how you make out, please...
I pulled the calipers and pads etc. I see that the exposed section of puck gets pretty well crusty and I believe this is where some of the problem lies. I cleaned them as suggested however the upper puck on the left isnt real free like the others. I worked it,lubed it and cleaned it and its better but it probably will happen again. It was odd in that the bike sat for 3 days then froze up. Then when I got home to work on her it was free and I couldent get it to stick again. Also can anyone comment on Galfer pads? that whats in front now, I think the previous owner said they were new recently but they look rusty on the backs and one looks defective in that the pad material is lifted from the backing on one end but yet they all mic out the same save a few thousands. My manual says 1.5mm for minimum but my calipers are not metric, they show 280th with the back and material.
Damn foggy riding conditions are killing my bike, Whaaaaaaa.
Quote from: MudhenI've read about this being an issue with Steamers...knock on wood I haven't had the issue yet.
The bad news is, it isn't just steamers, the newer injected models do it too.
I wonder why triumph charge the best part of £30 for a piston and seal kit for each caliper?????????????????????
if only triumph gave company shares with every bike sold.....
Quote from: "fastslug"if only triumph gave company shares with every bike sold.....
Then Bloor would have suddenly and mysteriously sold up......
Quote from: "fastslug"Quote from: "Mudhen".
I wonder why triumph charge the best part of £30 for a piston and seal kit for each caliper?????????????????????
Because they have to buy them from NISSIN in Japan then unpack them and then put them in a nice "TRIUMPH" box for you.
The trick is, of course, to source the parts from the supplying manufacturer. i.e. NISSIN. These calipers are, I suspect, used on other bikes out there. Certainly the pads are the same as some Yamahas and Kawasakis.
It just take a little effort to save a few quid. But actually £30 quid isn't bad for two precision machined pistons and associated seals.
I believe the calipers are the same as on the VFR800, not sure whether pre V-Tec or not, but obviously not ABS. I'll have to have a scrounge about and see...
That would be nice to know of a replacement from a easily avaliable bike. If there from a VFR then quality replacements are avaliable. Brembo units are real cheap and good.
You just bought that bike didn't you?
Seems like the bike may have sat for some time. I'd go thru the whole thing .... give it a good re-conditiioning cleaning and service. Then you will know what your working with.
Yes a few months ago. It did sit a while before the previous owner got it. After I took the calipers off all but one puck was very free to move by easily pushing it in by hand. The left upper was not. So far after my cleaning of them etc theres been no problems, but thats only been 500 miles or so.