
Talk => Speaking Of Bikes... => Topic started by: BigDave on October 04, 2003, 03:47:26 AM

Title: Winterizing
Post by: BigDave on October 04, 2003, 03:47:26 AM
I don't plan to do this as I will try to ride most of the winter.  When I cannot, I will start it up on a regular basis.  Any problem with doing this?

Are you going to winterize?  If so, what do you do?
Post by: Steps on October 04, 2003, 08:41:05 PM
I don't really winterize, either.  We have so many "nice" days through the winter you have to be ready to get the bike out!  Before winter arrives I:

~Make sure all fluids are topped off

~Add fuel stabilizer (Sta-Bil) to gas tank

~Clean bike (wash/wax)

~Clean and wax chain

~Lube cables

~I keep the battery on a trickle charge all winter
Title: Winterizing a Tiger
Post by: RedMenace on October 05, 2003, 03:29:31 AM
change oil

plug in Heatroller for Gerbing

new Knobs

untangle snow chains

buy some sheet metal screws

dump water out of canteen
Title: Re: Winterizing a Tiger
Post by: BigDave on October 05, 2003, 03:32:56 AM
Quote from: "RedMenace"change oil

plug in Heatroller for Gerbing

new Knobs

untangle snow chains

buy some sheet metal screws

dump water out of canteen

Man you really use that thing!  How many miles on it now?

New knobs once a year huh?
Title: Re: Winterizing a Tiger
Post by: RedMenace on October 05, 2003, 03:45:19 AM
Quote from: "BigDave...Man you really use that thing!  How many miles on it now?

New knobs once a year huh?[/quote
I go often but seldom far-just under thirty thousand miles, I think. I go thru four or five sets of tires a year. The sidecar eats them up, more so if you are fond of powerslides in the gravel :wink:
Post by: Cache on November 04, 2003, 06:13:31 PM
Doesn't Winterize mean re-attach and re-enforce sub frame, clean gas tank, air cleaner & carbs, change plugs, coolant, engine oil and filter, fork, & clutch oil, port cylinder head, lap and shim valves, change tires, change rear pads, recover seat, renthal bars, and fix things that have been annoying you all season?  Did I forget anything÷?  Oh yeah, rip that 17 tooth (bad decision) front sprocket off and replace with the stock 18.

Seriously, If I wasnÌt planning on doing the 30K service + IÌd clean gas tank, carbs and maybe air cleaner, change oil & filter, engine fog, and set at TDC to release valve spring compression.  But that would mean I couldnÌt fire her up and ride her up the road occasionally  :cry:
Post by: RedMenace on November 06, 2003, 03:16:54 PM
Title: winterizing
Post by: cward on November 13, 2003, 04:47:56 PM
Just a note to everybodies tips on winerizing , I'd also duct tape or cover somehow the exhaust tip somehow, last year amouse filled mine up with seeds :oops: cward
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